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한 · 중 FTA 2단계 협상의 의미와 평가: 농업분야 민감성을 중심으로 : Significance and Evaluation of the Two-Stage Negotiation on the Korea-China FTA: Focusing on Agricultural Sensitivity

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서울대학교 국제대학원
국제지역연구, Vol.26 No.2, pp. 73-88
FTA농업민감성2단계 협상방식agriculturesensitivitystep-by-step negotiation
한 ․ 중 FTA가 2012년 5월 협상 개시 선언 이후 30개월 만에 예상보다 빠르게 합의에 도달한 근본적 이유는 양국이 상호 민감 분야에 대한 국내수용 능력 증대와 FTA 협상 진전을 원활히 하기위해 단계별 협상방식을 채택하였기 때문이다. 한 ․ 중 FTA는 1단계 협상에서 각국의 민감성을 반영하여 상품, 서비스, 투자 등 분야별 협상 골격(modality)을 도출한 후, 2단계 협상에서는 합의된 협상분야별 모델리티에 기초하여 본격적인 양허협상을 진행하기로 한 것이다. 이러한 단계별 협상방식의 채택이 양국 간 FTA 협상의 빠른 타결을 유도하고, 가장 큰 부정적 영향이 예상되던 농업부문의 민감성이 반영된 협상결과를 도출하는데 기여한 것으로 평가된다.
The Korea-China FTA reached an agreement sooner than expected, after 30 months since the declaration of negotiation in May 2012. The reason for this is that the two countries adopted a step-by-step negotiation method in order to increase the domestic acceptability for sensitive sectors in each state and to facilitate the progress of FTA negotiation. In particular, a two-stage approach was agreed upon. for the Korea-China FTA. In the first stage of the negotiation, the Korea-China FTA built its negotiation framework (i.e., modality) around market access, service, and investment, with considerations of the sensitivities in each country. In the second stage, a full-fledged, item-by-item negotiation was conducted, based on the modality built during the earlier stage of negotiation. This step-by-step negotiation method led to a quick settlement between the two countries. Also, it is evaluated to have contributed to deriving negotiation results that reflect the sensitivity of the Korean agricultural sector, which was initially expected to receive the most negative impacts.
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