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대퇴동맥 혈류양에 영향을 주는 각종인자 : The Effect of Alteration of Arterial Blood Pressure, Arterial pH and PC02 on Femoral Blood Flow in the Dog

Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus

송요준; 이영균

Issue Date
서울대학교 의과대학
Seoul J Med, Vol.18 No.2, pp. 95-105
1. The effects of alteration of arterial blood pressure
on femoral blood flow and femoral blood flow/cardiac
output ratio in the dog has been determined
under condition of constant infusion of epinephrine
or constant bleeding. During the period of hypertension,
femoral blood flow and cardiac output
increased, but total peripheral resistance, femoral
vascular resistance and femoral blood flow/cardiac
output ratio were not altered. During hypotension,
cardiac output decreased progressively, but the
decrease of femoral blood flow were relatively small
comparing to the depression of arterial blood pressure.
This might be due to the larger decrease of
femoral vascular resistance than that of total peripheral resistance Consequently, femoral blood flow/
cardiac output ratio increased significantly.
2. The effects of alteration of arterial Pco, on
femoral blood flow and femoral blood flow/cardiac
output ratio has been determined under condition of
hyperventilation or 5% CO,-02 gas inhalation. During
the period of hyperventilation, femoral blood flow
and femoral blood flow/cardiac output ratio tended
to decrease. During the hypercapnea, on the contrary,
femoral blood flow increased markedly. The
result might be due to large decrement in femoral
vascular resistance with unaltered total peripheral
resistance, femoral blood flow/cardiac output ratio
increased remarkably.
3. The effect of alteration of arterial blood pll on
femoral blood flow and femoral blood flow/cardiac
output ratio has been determined under condition
of infusion of O.6M sodium bicarbonate or O.3N
hydrochloric acid. During the acidosis, femoral blood
flow increased. This might be due to decrease of
femoral vascular resistance and increase of total
peripheral resistance, in spite of decreased cardiac
output. Femoral blood flow/cardiac output ratio
increased eminently.
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