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圖讖書類上 土地觀에 대한 地理學的 解釋 : A Study of Geographic Thoughts Appearing in a Korean Geomancy Book, Chonggam-Rok

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서울대학교 국토문제연구소
지리학논총, Vol.7, pp. 1-14
Chonggam-Rok is widely known geomancy book in Korea. It is called To-Cham (圖讖), that means symbol, token, symptoms, omen, suggestion, etc. It greatly influenced the geographical thoughts of Korean people even at present in part. An analysis of the book shows four important traditional geographical thoughts: ideas of diminishing vitality of the land, Chi-Gi (地氣); recurrence of the captital in South Korea; Poong-Soo (Funsui, 風水), place of fortune and evil; and retiring to safe or refuge areas. For the analysis of the book, used a large scale Korean old map, about 1: 160, 000 in scale, Taedong- Yochido made in 1861. by a famous Korean cartographer, Chong-ho Kim TaedongYiichido shows especially mountain ranges and stream patterns in detail. Mountain ranges and stream patterns are very important elements in judging vitality of places by geomancy. The idea of diminishing vitality of the land is believed that is originated from Taoism, people's harmonious arangement and the Book of Changse (周易), a Chinese classic in divination. The idea of' diminishing vitality of land is applied to sites of towns, mainly capital cities. The idea of recurrence of the capital appeared in the capital movement, that is, starting from Kae-Song, and moved to Seoul, Kyeryong-san, Kaya-san, Chon-Ju then believed to return to Kae-Song again. The location of capitals are in south of 38th parallel, the more agriculturaly productive area in compare to the north.
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