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규장각 소장 易學 관련 도서의 현황과 의미 : The Current Status and Meaning of I-ching Related Books Housed in Kyujanggak

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서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원
한국문화, Vol.74, pp. 3-19
I-chingKyujanggakZhouyiBenyi (周易本義)Zhouyizhuanyi (周易傳義大全)조선 역학규장각역경주역본의주역전의대전
연구를 시작할 때 계획은 규장각 소장 도서에 대한 검토를 통해 역학 문헌의 수입(輸入), 중간(重刊), 표점(標點), 번역(飜譯), 출판(出版) 등의 실상을 분석하여 역학이 조선시대 문화와 사상에 어떠한 영향을 주었는가를 밝히고자 하는 것이었다. 규장각 소장 도서의 목록이 모두 정리되어 있고 각 도서에 대한 해제까지 완료되었기 때문에, 목록과 해제를 정리하면 조선시대 역학의 흐름에 대하여 어느 정도 파악할 수 있으리라는 기대가 있었다. 하지만 그러한 기대가 규장각과 규장각 소장 도서의 역사에 대한 무지에서 나온 것이었음을 깨닫는 데는 그리 오랜 시간이 걸리지 않았다. 규장각도서(奎章閣圖書)라는 명칭과 도서번호 자체도 특정 시기에 임의로 붙여진 것으로, 현재의 목록과 해제 자체에 대해서도 엄밀한 검토가 필요하였기 때문이다.
The purpose of this study is to examine I-ching(易學) related books housed in Kyujanggak and to identify its development aspects in the history of I-ching in Joseon era focusing on the catalogue of book collection and bibliographical notes of Kyujanggak. I-ching related books housed in Kyujanggak are about 80 classifications including 37 classifications from Korea and 38 classifications from China, which is small in scale contrary to the expectations. Of 37 classifications from Korea, those written by Korean scholars are 26. The rest 11 classifications from Korea are originally written by Chinese scholars and republished in Korea, most of which are written by Cheng‐Yi and Zhuxi centered on Jeongju (程朱) I-ching (易學). It can be confirmed by the fact that Zhouyizhuanyi (周易傳義大全), a single volume edited by Huguang in Ming from the combination of Cheng‐Yis Yizhuan (易傳) and Zhuxis Zhouyi Benyi (周易本義) is the majority of I-ching related books housed in Kyujanggak in this study. 38 classifications from China are mostly written by scholars in Qing era. Though some of them are written before Qing, the period of publications is still in Qing era. Of I-ching related books from China, the largest number of their publications is Zhuxis Zhouyi Benyi (周易本義) named as Gambonyeokgyeong (監本易經). In consideration of the fact that the publication year of Gambonyeokgyeong is 1886, there is difficulty in identifying regular trend of I-ching related books in the late Joseon through this book. One of the characteristic features in I-ching related books from China is the fact that there are three classifications written by Lai Zhide (來知德). Lai Zhide together with Mao Qiling are the scholars who affected significantly the I-ching (易學) world in late Joseon, and it can be of some interest to see there are a few works written by Lai Zhide while there are no I-ching related works written by Mao Qiling. Through this study, we managed to draw a layout on the size and content of I-ching related books housed in Kyujanggak. However, since this study is only limited to independent volumes related with I-ching housed in Kyujanggak, there is a given limitation in this study. To get a comprehensive understanding of the history of I-ching in Joseon era, it is necessary to do the research in depth of the history of I-ching in Joseon as well as to examine I-ching related works printed in individual collections housed in Kyujanggak in the future.
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