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The Ginsenoside Rg3 Inhibits Manifestation of Breast Cancer Stem Cell-like Properties through Regulation of Self-renewal Signaling : 진세노사이드 Rg3가 유방암 줄기세포의 자가재생능력에 미치는 영향
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- 서영준
- Major
- 융합과학기술대학원 분자의학 및 바이오제약학과
- Issue Date
- 2017-02
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 대학원
- Keywords
- Bmi-1 ; Breast cancer stem cells ; Red ginseng extract (RGE) ; Rg3 ; Self-renewal ; Sox-2
- Description
- 학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 바이오제약학과, 2017. 2. 서영준.
- Abstract
- Red ginseng extract (RGE) has been reported to exert numerous anti-cancer and other therapeutic effects. Breast cancer cells that express stem-cell associated markers acquire enhanced invasiveness and resistance to chemo-/radiotherapy. In this study, I investigated whether RGE and its pharmacologically active ingredient Rg3 could modulate manifestation of breast cancer stem cell-like properties through regulation of self-renewal signaling. The sphere-forming assay is widely used for identifying stem cells based on their self-renewal capacity. RGE significantly reduced the number and the size of spheroids (mammospheres) in human breast cancer (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) cells. Tumorigenic breast cancer stem cells (CSCs) are characterized by enhanced proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells. RGE successfully reduced the CD44+/CD24- populations in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, Rg3, one of the major components of RGE, also reduced the number and the size of mammospheres and the proportion of CD44+/CD24- breast cancer cells. To investigate the mechanism whereby Rg3 regulates the breast cancer stem-like properties, I determined the expression of Sox-2 and Bmi-1 which are involved in self-renewal and stem cell maintenance. Rg3 treatment significantly decreased the expression of these proteins in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 mammospheres. Notably, the inhibition of Akt, a kinase that plays a major role in maintaining stem-like properties, resulted in down-regulation of Sox-2 and Bmi-1. In conclusion, RGE and its active ingredient Rg3 inhibit the manifestation of breast cancer stem cell-like properties through suppression of Akt-mediated self-renewal signaling.
- Language
- English
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