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Mechanisms of IL-8 suppression by Treponema denticola in gingival epithelial cells

Cited 15 time in Web of Science Cited 16 time in Scopus

Jo, Ah-ram; Baek, Keum Jin; Shin, Ji Eun; Choi, Youngnim

Issue Date
Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Immunology and Cell Biology, Vol.92 No.2, pp.139-147
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanism(s) of interleukin (IL)-8 suppression by Treponema denticola, one of the major periodontal pathogens, in gingival epithelial cells. Immortalized human gingival epithelial HOK-16B cells were infected with wild-type (WT), dentilisin-deficient (K1) or flagellin-deficient (flgE) T. denticola in the presence or absence of 2% human serum for 24 h. The levels of IL-8 expression were measured with real-time reverse transcription PCR and ELISA. In the absence of human serum, the WT and flgE, but not K1, substantially reduced not only the levels of IL-8 protein but also of IL-8 mRNA. Such downregulation of IL-8 mRNA was independent of bacterial invasion. Degradation of cytokine mixture by the WT, K1 and flgE revealed dentilisin-dependent preferential degradation of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, an IL-8-inducing cytokine. WT and flgE significantly decreased the levels of TNF alpha secreted by HOK-16B cells, suggesting modulation of IL-8 through dentilisin-mediated degradation of TNF alpha. The addition of human serum to the culture potentiated the suppressive effect of T. denticola, resulting in substantial reductions of IL-8 and TNF alpha levels, even by K1. The serum-dependent effects of T. denticola were attributed to its ability to suppress the accumulation of intracellular reactive-oxygen species (ROS), a group of ubiquitous signaling molecules. Pretreatment with an antioxidant suppressed TNF alpha-induced IL-8 expression, confirming the role of ROS in TNF alpha signaling. Collectively, T. denticola targeted a key inflammatory cytokine and its signaling molecule to modulate the host innate immune response, which provides a new insight into modulation of host immunity by a periodontal pathogen.
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