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Functional Epitopes for Anti–Aquaporin 5 Antibodies in Sjögren Syndrome : Functional epitopes for anti-aquaporin 5 antibodies in sjogren syndrome

Cited 17 time in Web of Science Cited 18 time in Scopus

Alam, J.; Koh, J. H.; Kwok, S. -K.; Park, S. -H.; Park, K.; Choi, Y.

Issue Date
SAGE Publications
Journal of Dental Research, Vol.96 No.12, pp.1414-1421
We recently reported the presence of anti-aquaporin 5 (AQP5) immunoglobulin G (IgG) in patients with primary Sjogren syndrome (SS) with a sensitivity of 0.73 and a specificity of 0.68. The aim of this study was to identify functional epitopes for the anti-AQP5 autoantibodies detected in control subjects and patients with SS. Recognition of epitopes by anti-AQP5 autoantibodies in sera (n = 13 for control and n = 24 for SS) or purified IgG (n = 1 for control and n = 3 for SS) was evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) assay performed in the presence or absence of peptides corresponding to the second transmembrane helix and extracellular loops A, C, and E of AQP5. Functional epitopes were determined by measuring the effects of purified IgG and neutralizing peptides on transepithelial osmotic permeability (P-f(T)) of MDCK cells expressing AQP5. In the IIF assay, 89% of SS samples were inhibited by at least 1 peptide, while only half of control samples were inhibited by any peptide. Overall, SS samples were inhibited by peptides corresponding to extracellular loops A, C, and E by 40% to 50%, whereas control samples were inhibited only by peptides corresponding to loop E by <20%. A cyclized peptide (E1) mimicking loop E was most frequently recognized and best differentiated between the SS and control samples. Incubation of MDCK-AQP5 cells with SS but not with control IgG, significantly decreased P-f(T), which was reversed by neutralization of IgG binding to any of the extracellular loops. In conclusion, the anti-AQP5 autoantibodies detected in control and SS groups showed differences in fine specificity to the functional epitopes of AQP5. The prevalent recognition of functional epitopes by anti-AQP5 autoantibodies from SS patients suggests that anti-AQP5 autoantibodies act as mediators of glandular hypofunction and are a potential therapeutic target in SS.
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