Detailed Information
Risk politics and the pro-nuclear growth coalition in Japan in relation to the Fukushima
Cited 1 time in
Web of Science
Cited 2 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2017-06
- Publisher
- Multi-Science Publishing Co Ltd.
- Citation
- Energy and Environment, Vol.28 No.4, pp.518-529
- Abstract
- This paper focuses on the development of the pro-nuclear growth coalition in Japan. It also describes how, after the Fukushima disaster, the coalition was challenged by an increasing number of anti-nuclear movements and scientific discussions of nuclear energy policies. By analyzing the risk politics associated with nuclear power, the study helps explain the development of pro-nuclear narratives and the pro-nuclear coalition. Based on archival analysis of accounts from the media, governments, and experts, it argues that governmental and nongovernmental actors in Japan and the United States formed a pro-nuclear growth coalition to pursue economic growth and then cooperated to promote pro-nuclear energy policies. The research also illustrates that post-Fukushima risk narratives challenged pro-nuclear energy policies and the dominance of the pro-nuclear growth coalition with fear. Although anti-nuclear sentiment has increased after Fukushima, it has not coalesced enough to be considered a consensus.
- 0958-305X
- Language
- English
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