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국내 캐릭터를 대상으로 색채 기호분석에 관한 연구 - 선호와 비·선호 캐릭터를 중심으로 : A study on color symbol analysis with Korean characters - Focusing on preferred and non-preferred characters

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이종윤; 김동민; 윤주현

Issue Date
한국색채학회논문집, Vol.31 No.4, pp.25-34
Individuals express their emotions and preferences through characters and tend to express significance of colors using various colors of characters. However, research on characters has focused on simple story analysis and drawing results on hue. In this regard, this research investigated delivery of significance through colors with Korean characters received awards from 2001 to 2015 by referring to 2015 Character Industry White Paper. The research classified Munsells three attributes of color (hue, brightness and saturation) as HV/C, respectively, based on the characters RGB colors. At the same time, the horizontal axis was divided into Dynamic and Static and the vertical axis into Soft and Hard with IRI image scale, and sensitivity adjectives were given according to each coloration. As a result, brightness of primary colors and warm colors and colors with high saturation were used for preferred characters, being expressed with dynamic and soft feelings of sensitivity adjectives including cheerful, etc. On the other hand, brightness of dull colors and cold colors and colors with low saturation were used for non-preferred characters, being expressed with dynamic and hard feelings of sensitivity adjectives. Accordingly, it is important to develop character-oriented images for non-preferred characters, rather than focusing on products. It is necessary to simplify the structure and number of colors by including over 50% dominant colors no more than 3 kinds. The research explored correlation between significance of characters and users preference through empirical analysis on color symbols. Despite its industrial and academic significance, it is required to analyze with in-depth analysis frame of semiotics. Follow-up research needs to conduct in-depth research using image analysis frame in the field of iconography and empirical study in terms of color psychology.
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