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대중(大衆)의 기록과 기억으로 본 현실 표현 연구 : A Study on the Expression of Reality through Public Records and Memories
본인의 회화 작품을 중심으로

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dc.description학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :미술대학 미술학과,2019. 8. 신하순.-
dc.description.abstract본 논문은 2011년도부터 2018년까지의 개인전을 통해 발표된 본 연구자의 작품을 연구의 주된 분석대상으로 삼았고 이를 바탕으로 하여 진행한 작품 연구논문이다. 작업에 참고가 되었던 이론과 작품 분석의 내용을 수록하였고 더불어 작업에 영향을 미친 기타 논문 및 간행물과 학술지의 참고자료들을 정리하였다.
예술가가 현실을 대면하고 이에 대한 감정을 작품으로 담는 과정에서 기록과 기억의 방식으로 접근하여 표현하는 것은 오랜 시간 동안 유지되어 온 행위이다. 그리고 예술가는 주변의 다양한 상황에 관심을 가지고 장면의 특성을 성실히 관찰하여 기록하는 태도의 소유자인 경우가 많았다. 현실을 구성하는 요소 중 인물의 대중(大衆) 형상은 많은 화가에게 작업의 주된 주제로서 인식되었으며, 현실 속 대중의 모습을 작품으로 표현하는 것은 주변인과 사회상에 대한 깊은 관찰과 탐구가 필요한 작업이다. 본 연구자는 이런 점들을 인지하여 주변 현실의 장면을 회화로 기록하고자 하였고 현실 속 대중을 작업의 주된 대상으로 삼아 접근하였으며 대상에 대한 기록과 기억의 방법적 접근을 통해 현실 표현의 구체적인 형식과 그 진행 과정을 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 이와 관련된 자료의 정리와 진행으로 작업의 분명한 개념을 얻고 향후 더 나은 결과를 얻고자 함이다.

제Ⅰ장에서는 연구를 시작하게 된 목적과 내용 및 방법의 사례를 제시하고 중요성에 대하여 분석하고 검토하였다.
제Ⅱ장에서는 기록과 기억으로서의 현실 표현에 대해 다루었는데 현실을 구성하는 요소들에 대한 개념 정리 및 주요 특성에 대해 알아보았다. 회화로 현실을 표현했을 때 어떠한 표현과 목적들을 시도하였는가에 대해서 분석하고 과거 중국과 한국의 회화, 그리고 우리나라 근/현대의 회화에서 현실을 표현한 방법에 대해 관찰하고 의미를 고찰해 보았다.
제Ⅲ장에서는 기록과 기억으로 본 대중의 모습에 대하여 알아본다. 대중의 주제성과 의미를 분석하고 장면의 성격으로 본 사회상 속 대중의 모습을 기념하는 대중과 비판하는 대중의 두 부분으로 나누어 각 범위에서 도출된 장면의 특징과 의의를 서로 비교해 보기로 하겠다. 그리고 현실 속 대중을 관찰하고 표현하는 데 있어 기록적 방법과 표현과 기억의 과정과 표현의 두 가지 방식으로 접근해보고자 한다. 이어서 현실 속 대중을 작업의 주된 대상으로 삼아 표현한 근/현대의 주요한 작품들을 알아보고 이를 기록적 방법에서는 현실 인물의 관찰과 기록과 사실주의(Realism)적 접근의 두 가지로 구분하여 분석하였으며 기억의 과정에서는 개별 기억과 집단 기억의 특성으로 구분하여 정리하였다.
제Ⅳ장에서는 대중의 기록과 기억을 통한 현실 표현에 관해 연구하고 본인의 작품을 중점적으로 분석한다. 수묵 인물화의 표현과 조합을 통해 대중적 장면을 구성한 작업의 초기 경향을 회고하고 이후 진행된 작업에서 현실 속 대중의 표현이 어떤 형식으로 진행되었는지를 확인한다. 기록과 기억이란 과정을 거쳐 작업을 진행하며 얻어진 주제와 구성 및 시기적 특성에 대해 분석하고, 과거로부터 현재까지 유지되고 달라진 특성과 형식은 각각 어떤 것인지에 대해서 구체적인 작품을 참고하여 알아보기로 하겠다.
제Ⅴ장에서는 재료기법과 제작 과정에 대해 알아본다. 본 연구자가 작업을 진행하며 새로이 발견하여 적용한 재료와 기법들에 대해 알아보고 그 특성을 분석한다. 작업에 주로 쓰였던 종이의 종류와 이에 구김의 효과를 가미하여 새로이 만든 바탕재에 대한 설명을 자세히 서술하고 제작의 전반적인 과정에 대해 알아볼 것이다. 또한 모필을 사용한 감필법과 가죽을 이용한 방식 등 시기별로 적용된 다양한 기법과 방식들을 소개하며, 더불어 전시공간에서의 작품 배치와 설치를 통해 관객에게 전달하고자 한 주제와 기획 의도는 어떤 것이었는지를 본인이 경험한 개인전에서의 전시공간을 주제로 하여 분석한다.
마지막 제Ⅵ장은 결론 부분이다. Ⅰ장에서부터 Ⅴ장까지 언급되었던 이론적 토대의 부분과 작업의 진행 과정 및 작품 분석을 기반으로 하여 기존 작업의 성격을 숙고하고 향후 작업에서 이뤄야 할 부분에 대해 진단해보기로 한다.

본 연구자는 대중의 기록과 기억으로 본 현실 표현을 작업의 주된 목적으로 정하였고 관련된 작업과 논문의 연구를 통해 단단히 보완하고자 하였다. 이를 위해선 이론에 대한 깊은 고찰과 함께 사회 조직을 면밀히 관찰하고 현실과 대중을 객관적으로 바라보는 자세가 필요하다고 본다. 더불어 작업의 모든 단계에 있어 끊임없이 수정, 보완하는 과정을 통해 이전의 반성을 비롯하여 향후 작업에서의 증진된 효과를 얻어낼 수 있어야 할 것이다.
dc.description.abstractThis paper is a work research paper that has taken his own research published through individual exhibitions from 2011 to 2018 as the year 2018. Along with the theory and analysis of the work referenced in the work, it also covered other papers, publications and academic reference materials that influenced the work.
It is a long-held act for an artist to approach and express his feelings in a way of record and memory in reality and work. And the artist has often been the owner of an attitude to faithfully observe and record the features of the scene with interest in various situations around him. Among the elements that make up the reality, the public's appearance has been recognized by many painters as the main material of the work, and expressing the real public as a work is a task that requires deep observation and exploration of the surroundings and society. Recognizing these points, the researchers tried to understand the concrete form of real world representation and its progress through a methodological approach to recording scenes from surrounding realities, accessing the real world by using the public as the main object of the work, and recording and remembering things. The purpose of this study is to obtain a clear working concept and to achieve better results in the future through the theorem and progression of relevant materials.

Chapter Ⅰ presented examples of objectives, content and methods that led to the beginning of the study, and analyzed and reviewed their importance.
Chapter Ⅱ dealt with expression as a record and memory of reality and explored the conceptual theorem and main characteristics of the elements that make up reality. We analyzed what expressions and purposes we tried to express reality through dialogue, observed past Chinese and Korean paintings, and looked at the meaning of reality in our modernization.
Chapter Ⅲ explores the public's image viewed through records and memories. By analyzing the subjectivity and meaning of the public, we divided the public image in society into two parts and compared the characteristics and meaning of the scene. Depending on the nature of the scene, it was approached by dividing it into the people who commemorate and the people who criticize. It approached the real world public in two ways: the method and expression of records and the process and expression of memories. It recognized and analyzed major works of modern and contemporary art, which represented the public of the real world as the main object of the work, and divided them into two categories: observation and recording of those present in existence and realistic approach. In the memory process, individual memory characteristics and group memory characteristics were distinguished.
Chapter Ⅳ we study the representation of reality through public records and memories and analyze our work intensively. Look back at the initial tendency of the work to organize the masses through the expressions and combinations of ink-and-wash painting and see what form the public expression in the real world was in later work. We will analyze the subject, composition, and timing characteristics obtained during the course of the work, and find out about the specific works of the different characteristics and formats that have been maintained from the past to the present.
Chapter Ⅴ explores material technology and manufacturing process.
In the course of the research, he or she finds out about the newly discovered materials and techniques and analyzes their characteristics. Describe in detail the type of paper used mainly in the work and the crease effect and the overall process of production. It also introduces various techniques and methods applied according to the time, including how to boldly draw with a thin brush and use leather, and examines the subjectivity and planning intent of the exhibition space to communicate to the audience through the layout and installation of works.
The last chapter Ⅵ is the conclusion. Based on the analysis and research of the theories mentioned in chapters 1 through 5, we will analyze the work and review and diagnose what needs to be done in the future.

I set actual world expressions as the main purpose of work through public records and memories and tried to firmly supplement them through research in related tasks and papers. To this end, it is necessary to look deep into theories, closely observe social organizations and look at reality and the public objectively. In addition, the process of continuous modification and supplementation at the pre-work stage will have to be further strengthened in future work with previous studies.
dc.description.tableofcontents국문초록 ……………………………………………………………………… ⅰ
목차 …………………………………………………………………………… ⅳ
참고도판목록 ………………………………………………………………… ⅶ
작품도판목록 ………………………………………………………………… ⅺ

Ⅰ. 서론 ························································································· 1
1. 연구의 목적 ················································································ 1
2. 연구의 내용 및 방법 ···································································· 2
3. 연구의 중요성 ············································································ 4

Ⅱ. 기록과 기억으로서의 현실 표현 ·················································· 6
1. 현실의 의미와 요소 ····································································· 6
1) 사회와 사회상 ········································································ 9
2) 공동체와 대중(大衆) ······························································ 15
3) 일상과 문화의 모습 ······························································· 18
2. 기록적 방법으로서의 현실 표현 ·················································· 23
1) 구체적 장면의 기록 ······························································· 29
2) 일상의 묘사와 투영(投影) ······················································ 39
3) 사회상의 인식과 표현 ···························································· 48
3. 기억의 방식으로서의 현실 표현 ·················································· 56
1) 장면의 사유적 접근 ······························································· 60
2) 정치(政治)와 풍자(諷刺)의 방법 ············································· 65
3) 대상의 기념과 기념비성 ························································· 71

Ⅲ. 기록과 기억으로 본 대중의 모습 ················································ 79
1. 주제와 표현으로서의 대중 ························································· 79
2. 현실 속 장면에서 본 대중의 모습 ················································ 83
1) 공감과 호응의 장면 – 기념(記念)하는 대중 ······························ 86
2) 의지와 변화의 장면 – 비판(批判)하는 대중 ······························ 92
3. 기록적 방법과 표현으로 본 대중의 모습 ······································ 99
1) 현실 인물의 관찰과 기록 ······················································· 99
2) 사실주의(Realism)적 접근 ··················································· 111
4. 기억의 과정과 표현으로 본 대중의 모습 ····································· 121
1) 개별 기억으로서의 대중 ······················································· 121
2) 집단 기억으로서의 대중 ······················································· 132

Ⅳ. 대중의 기록과 기억을 통한 현실 표현 ······································· 143
1. 대중의 기록을 통한 현실 표현 ··················································· 145
1) 기념사진의 재현과 기록 ······················································· 146
(1) 단체 사진에 담긴 대중과 시대상 ······································ 147
(2) 가죽 틀의 연상과 적용 ···················································· 157
2) 대중의 일상과 상징적 요소에 관한 기록 ································· 162
(1) 군중과 동상의 의미 ························································ 163
(2) 장면의 배치와 조형 ························································ 168
2. 대중의 기억을 통한 현실 표현 ·················································· 174
1) 인물과 대중 사회에 관한 기억 ·············································· 175
(1) 과거의 인물과 현재의 사회상 ·········································· 176
(2) 장면의 기념비적 구성 ····················································· 182
2) 공간과 대상의 사유를 통한 대중의 기억 ································ 186
(1) 사유적 공간에서의 대중 표현 ·········································· 187
(2) 대상과의 동화(同化)와 동음(同音) ··································· 199

Ⅴ. 재료기법과 제작 과정 ····························································· 206
1. 재료의 분류와 적용 ·································································· 206
1) 바탕재(所湯材)의 분석 ························································· 206
2) 오브제의 적용과 특성 ·························································· 210
2. 표현기법과 제작 과정 ·······························································214
1) 인물 수묵화의 제작과 기법 ··················································· 214
2) 종이의 구김을 이용한 배경 무늬의 제작 ································ 219
3) 모필과 수묵을 이용한 그리기 과정 ········································ 229
3. 전시공간에서의 작품 배치 ························································ 232
1) 회상과 서사의 공간 ······························································ 232
2) 사건과 사유의 공간 ······························································ 236

Ⅵ. 결론 ······················································································· 243

참고문헌목록 ··············································································· 246
Abstract ····················································································· 253
작품도판 ····················································································· 256
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.title대중(大衆)의 기록과 기억으로 본 현실 표현 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the Expression of Reality through Public Records and Memories-
dc.contributor.department미술대학 미술학과-
dc.title.subtitle본인의 회화 작품을 중심으로-
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