Detailed Information
An office-based fix-and-follow grading system assessing visual function in preverbal children
Cited 0 time in
Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2021-11-30
- Publisher
- Citation
- BMC Ophthalmology. 2021 Nov 30;21(1):413
- Keywords
- Fix-and-follow ; Saccade ; Visual development ; Visual screening
- Abstract
- Background
Assessing visual function in infants is usually challenging. Fix-and-Follow is a simple and popular method for assessing early development of visual perception in infants, currently however, there is no formal reproducible method for grading the capacity of fix-and-follow. This study was to develop and validate a new fix-and-follow grading system for assessing visual function development in preverbal children.
In this cross-sectional study, the fix-and-follow grades was evaluated in 21 consecutive preverbal children. Fixation was categorised as grade 1 if there was no response to the target and grade 2 if there was a response but only for < 3 s. Grades of 3 and 4 were assigned based capacities to (1) fix on a moving target for ≥3 s, and (2) shift fixation from one target to another. If only one of these two criteria was met, grade 3 was assigned. If both were met, grade 4 was assigned. Following was evaluated using smooth pursuit movement, where grade 1 indicated no movement, grade 2 partial movement, and grade 3 complete movement. Two ophthalmologists independently applied the grading method in all patients. Then one of two examiners repeated the examinations to investigate the intra-observer agreement of the grading system.
Intra-observer agreement was excellent (Kappa coefficient = 0.823) and inter-observer agreement was good (Kappa coefficient = 0.625). All patients who exhibited abnormal ocular movement had score discrepancy between a new fix-and-following grading examination.
The new fix-and-follow grading scale can be applied easily in preverbal children in an office setting, and it proved reliable and reproducible.
- 1471-2415
- Language
- English
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