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사료용 벼 위주 TMR 급여가 거세 한우의 육질 특성에 미치는 영향 : Feeding Effect of Whole Crop Rice based TMR on Meat Quality of Hanwoo Steers

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김종근; 조철훈; Qiang, Zhao Guo; Chang, Liu; Nan, Wei Sheng; 김학진; 안억근; 민형규

Issue Date
한국초지조사료학회지, Vol.39 No.4, pp.264-271
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of whole crop rice based TMR on the meat quality of Korean Native Cattle (Hanwoo). Sixteen Hanwoo steers (average 8 months old) were divided into the control group (commercially marketed TMR) and the WCR-TMR group (whole crop rice based TMR). Feeding trials were carried out up to 30 months of age, and after slaughter, the strip loin were collected and analyzed for meat quality. There were no significant differences in proximate compositions of Hanwoo (P>0.05), and crude protein, crude fat and crude ash were 19.51∼20.23 %, 11.53∼11.35 % and 1.10∼1.12 %, respectively. There was no significant difference in water holding capacity and cooking loss between treatments (P>0.05), but it was slightly lower in the control group. Among the various functional components in meat, β-carotene was not detected, but α-tocopherol was significantly higher in WCR-TMR group and vitamin A content in control (P<0.05). The a*-value in the meat color index decreased significantly with longer storage period in the control group, whereas the WCR-TMR fed group showed no significant difference (P>0.05) according to the storage period. There were no difference between the treatments in the TBARS (2-Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) value used as an indicator of lipid oxidation and in fatty acid content. But the control group had high myristic acid content, whereas the WCR-TMR supplemented group showed higher oleic acid and linoleic acid content. In conclusion, feeding of WCR based-TMR increased the α-tocopherol content, which is a functional ingredient in meat, and the other components were not significantly different from the control. Therefore, it was judged that there was no significant difference between WCR based and conventional TMR in meat quality characteristics.
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