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MRF 기법을 적용한 수중 예인 몸체 자세 추정 기법 연구 : A Research on Motion Prediction Method for the Underwater Towed Body Using Moving Reference Frame Method

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서인덕; 이인수; 이승진; 임종범; 지바한; 이신형

Issue Date
한국전산유체공학회지, Vol.28 No.2, pp.54-61
This research presents a comprehensive analysis of the motion dynamics of an underwater towed body, specifically focusing on the effects of cable tension and hydrodynamic characteristics. Computational fluid dynamics was employed to simulate the behavior and performance of the towed body under varying conditions. An open-source lumped mass model library, the MoorDyn library, was utilized to simulate the influence of the towing cable's force. An MRF method solver was developed and utilized to perform computational analysis, which considered the towed body's large displacement 6 DoF motion. The MRF technique establishes and analyzes the governing equation based on a non-inertial coordinate system that moves in sync with the towed body, considering its accelerations. The study applied these methods to an underwater towed body designed in the shape of a sonar, a new development by LIG Nex1 Co., Ltd. A vane, or external appendage, was attached to stabilize the towed body's motion. We studied the effect of the vane's placement on motion stability by varying the vane's installation angle. Our findings confirmed that increasing the installation angle amplified the posture stabilization effect. The implications of our research are significant for the design and operation of underwater towing systems, particularly in optimizing the installation angle of vanes to improve stability. This research contributes to developing efficient and stable underwater towed bodies.
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