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OECD 회원국 심리사 제도를 활용한 대한민국 정신건강 체계 효과성 제고 방안 : Improving Effectiveness of Mental Health System with Licensed Psychologists in OECD Member Countries
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- 한국심리학회
- Citation
- 한국심리학회지:일반, Vol.41 No.3, pp.221-242
- Abstract
- 우리나라 국민의 네 명 중 한 명은 평생 한 가지 이상의 정신건강문제를 보고하고 있으며, 자살률은 약 20년간 OECD 최상위 수준을 유지하고 있다. 또 국민의 행복과 사회통합 지수들은 OECD 회원국 중 최하위를 유지하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 1996년 OECD 회원국이 된 한국의 정신건강체계 및 제도에 대한 첫 권고안 내용과(OConnor, 2013), OECD와 WHO 등 국제 정신건강 정책에서 드러나는 정신건강 인력 양성 및 심리사의 역할에 대해 분석하고, 이를 통해 한국의 심리서비스 인력 운용 및 전달체계의 문제점들을 논의하였다. 전문성을 갖춘 심리사를 양성하여 정신장애 예방, 경도 및 중등도 정신건강문제 개입, 근거기반 심리서비스 개발 및 제공, 지역사회기반 심리서비스 활성화에 적극적으로 활용하고 있는 OECD 회원국들과 달리 우리나라는 심리서비스의 핵심 전문 인력인 심리사 제도를 아직 마련하지 못해 고도 산업 국가에 사는 21세기 대한민국 국민들의 요구에 부합하는 전문적인 심리서비스를 제공하기엔 한계가 있다. 국민 정신건강을 증진하고 삶의 질과 행복감 등 심리사회적 건강 증진을 위해서는 국가 자격 심리사 제도를 도입하여 과학적인 근거에 입각한 효과적인 심리서비스를 국민들에게 제공할 필요성이 있다.
One in four Koreans reported at least one mental health problem in their lifetime, and the suicide rate has been at the highest level among the OECD member countries for about two decades. Happiness and Social Integration indexes show lowest level in recent years. In this study, we analyzed the OECDs recommendations for Koreas mental health system(OConnor, 2013) along with the mental health policies regarding mental health workers. Comparative analyses between Republic of Korea and other OECD member countries showed that Korean mental health system has not integrated psychological services for all citizens, lacking effective preventive measures for mental illness and death by suicide. As system focused mostly on severe mental illness characterized by high rate of hospitalization, it has also resulted in weak community-based mental health care system. Therefore, it has yet to introduce licensed psychologists in the system, which is in contrast to other highly-industrialized OECD countries where licensed psychologists have been working as essential mental health workforce to prevent mental illnesses, provide evidence-based psychological practices, such as assessment and psychotherapy to individuals with mild to moderate mental health problems, and collaborate with other mental health workers to provide community-based mental health services to a wide-spectrum of severity. In order to effectively provide psychological services that meet the needs of the Korean people living in a highly industrialized country with significant mental health problems, it is urgent that Korean government introduce licensed psychologists in the mental health system. With thousands of Korean Psychological Association certified psychologists requiring similar education and training as the OECD members, Korea will greatly gain from the regulation, which will contribute significantly to improve the mental health of Koreans as well as their quality of life and happiness.
- 1229-067X
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