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Rabbit submandibular salivary gland replantation

Cited 3 time in Web of Science Cited 3 time in Scopus

Almansoori, Akram A.; Khentii, Namuun; Hei, Wei-Hong; Seo, Nari; Lee, Sung-Ho; Kim, Soung Min; Lee, Jong Ho

Issue Date
대한구강악안면외과학회지, Vol.43 No.5, pp.299-304
Objectives: To test the feasibility of submandibular salivary gland (SMG) replantation techniques and the survival of the replanted glands. Such a study can provide a rationale for later allotransplantation procedures, along with implementation of conventional and advanced immunosuppression therapy. Materials and Methods: Six SMG replantations were performed in New Zealand white rabbits. One week postoperatively, Tc-99m scintigraphy was performed and the uptake ratio and salivary excretion fraction were calculated. Two to four weeks later, submandibular glands were excised, fixed, and stained with H&E for histomorphometric evaluation. Results: Intraoperatively, all glands showed patent blood perfusion except gland 5. Positive tracer uptake and saliva excretion were documented by scintigraphy. On excision, all of the glands except glands 4 and 5 looked viable, with a red color and patent pedicles. Gland 4 was infected and filled with creamy pus, while gland 5 looked pale and necrotic. Histologically, glands 1, 2, 3, and 6 had preserved normal glandular tissue with slight variations from the contralateral normal glands, as their parenchyma was composed of mildly atrophic acini. Conclusion: Four out of six replanted SMGs successfully survived. The glands maintained good viability and function. Such success depends on safe harvesting, short anastomosis time, and strict control of infection.
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