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문화적 관점에서 학습환경 검사 도구 재해석하기 - 과학 교실문화 이해를 위한 활용가능성 탐색 - : Reinterpretation of Learning Environment Instruments from Cultural Perspectives- Exploring the Applicability for Understanding Science Classroom Cultures -
Cited 0 time in
Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2015-05
- Publisher
- 한국초등과학교육학회
- Citation
- 초등과학교육, Vol.34 No.2, pp.238-251
- Abstract
- This study, based on literature review and theoretical discussion, reinterprets the learning environment instruments from cultural perspectives and suggests the applicability of learning environment instruments for understanding science classroom cultures. To do this, the existing learning environment instruments are first investigated and compared in terms of their features and utilizations appeared in previous studies. The learning environment instruments are then reinterpreted in the light of culture. Finally, we suggest the possibilities to use the learning environment instruments to understand science classroom cultures. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the learning environment instruments, by interpreting them culturally, could be interpreted in cultural ways and used as the alternative ways to explore science classroom cultures. Second, the learning environment instruments, such as WIHIC and CLEQ, could be interpreted both along the dimension of phenomena in classrooms and the dimension of students psychology in order to investigate science classroom cultures. Third, the instrument items could be interpreted culturally in different ways according to the description types of instrument items. Thus, when learning environment instruments are used in culture research, the description types should be sufficiently taken into account. Based on the results of this study, educational implications are discussed in terms of exploring classroom cultures and of culture research.
- 1598-3099
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