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해방 후 고등학교 국사' 교과서에서 1894년 농민전쟁 서술의 변천 : The transition of descriptions of 1894 Peasantry War in Korean History Textbooks for High School, 1945~2014
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Web of Science
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2015-03
- Publisher
- 역사교육연구회
- Citation
- 歷史敎育, Vol.133, pp.223-256
- Abstract
- This paper is to explore the transition of descriptions of 1894 peasantry war in Korean history textbooks for high school, 1945~2014. For such analysis, the paper first reviewed the descriptions of 1894 peasantry war in the Korean history textbooks for high school, 1945~2014 and the chronological Korean national curriculum 1946~2014. These descriptions reflected the chronological Korean national curriculum and the outcomes accomplished about 1894 peasantry war in south Korean academia.
With this research, I discovered that these descriptions on peasantry war have improved and have been boosted by empirical research accomplishment and revised curriculum. But as ideological arguments have intensified recently, these descriptions also fell in a difficult position.
In brief, we must describe 1894 peasantry war on the ground of educational and social consensus and scholarly research achievements without political considerations.
- 1225-0570
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