Detailed Information
Mohangamides A and B, new dilactone-tethered pseudo-dimeric peptides inhibiting candida albicans isocitrate lyase
Cited 61 time in
Web of Science
Cited 73 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2015-02
- Publisher
- American Chemical Society
- Citation
- Organic Letters, Vol.17 No.3, pp.712-715
- Abstract
- Mohangamides A and B (1-2) were discovered from a marine Streptomyces sp. collected in an intertidal mud flat. The structures of the compounds were elucidated as novel dilactone-tethered pseudodimeric peptides bearing two unusual acyl chains and 14 amino acid residues based on comprehensive spectroscopic analysis. The absolute configurations of the mohangamides were determined by chemical derivatizations, followed by chromatographic and spectroscopic analyses. Mohangamide A displayed strong inhibitory activity against Candida albicans isocitrate lyase.
- 1523-7060
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