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조선말․대한제국기 뮈텔 주교의 政局 認識과 對政治圈 活動 : Bishop Mutels Recognition and Confrontation on the Political Situation during the Late Chosun Dynasty and Imperial Korea
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2011-12
- Publisher
- (재)한국교회사연구소
- Citation
- 교회사연구 No.37, pp.95-123
- Abstract
- Korean governments foreign policy toward France coincided with the direction of Bishop Mutels missionary work. Because King Kojong wanted to utilize the power of France and Bishop Mutel(1854~1933) wanted to expand the missionary work in Korea. Finally, his activity brought out the growth of the Korean Catholic Church and was the cause of many Anti-Christian Incidents(Kyoan, 敎案). Especially, the letter caused problems between church and people in the country society. But he kept a long distance from King Kojong and attempted to establish the normal school in order to maintain the base of missionary work after Russo-Japanese War, as the direction of his activity was dependent on the international state and the internal situation. It was the new response to the change of political situation. Furthermore, he kept the national movement of Korean at a respectful distance to protect the organization of church and Catholics.
- 1226-7104
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