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구강암세포주인 HSC-4에서 β-Phenethyl Isothiocyanate의 Death Receptor 5 단백질 유도를 통한 세포사멸 유도기전 : Death Receptor 5 is a Potential Molecular Target for β-Phenethyl Isothiocyanate - Medicated Apoptosis in HSC-4 Human Oral Cancer Cells via p38 and c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase

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레디엠 후엉; 남정석; 조남표; 조성대

Issue Date
대한구강악안면병리학회지, Vol.35 No.5, pp.255-264
β-phenylethyl isothiocyanate(PEITC) is a component derived from cruciferous vegetables and has been demonstrated to fight many types of cancers through various molecular pathways. In the present study, we focused on its effect on the induction of apoptotic cell death to inhibit cell growth and its molecular mechanism in HSC-4 human oral cancer cells. A colorimetric MTS assay was used to examine cell viability. The apoptotic effect and was investigated using DAPI staining and the molecular target and mechanism of PEITC-mediated apoptosis were determined by Western blotting. The result showed that PEITC inhibited oral cancer cell growth and induced apoptosis via extrinsic signaling pathway evidenced by the activation of caspase 8, truncation of bid protein and induction of death receptor(DR) 5. DR5 protein level was increased through the activation of p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase(JNK). These results from this study strongly suggest that DR5 is a potential molecular target for PEITC-induced apoptosis in oral cancer via p38 and JNK.
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