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비특이 면역증강제 BARODONⓡ의 항원성시험 : Antigenicity Study of Nonspecific Immunostimulator BARODONⓡ

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조은혜; 조성대; 안남식; 정지원; 양세란; 박준석; 박기수; 홍인선; 서민수; Nguyen Ba Tiep; 이영순; 강경선

Issue Date
The Korean Society of Veterinary Science
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol.43 No.2, pp.255-261
The antigenicity of nonspecific immunostimulator BARODONⓡ, a newly developed drug, was investigated by tests for passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) and active systemic anaphylaxis (ASA) in mice and guinea pigs. In ASA test using guinea pigs, there were no significant clinical symptoms in all individuals of low(0.3%) and high(3%) dose of both groups treated with only BARODONⓡ and cotreated with BARODONⓡ and adjuvant group. In PCA test, blue spots of Evan's were observed from 26 to 210 in homologous group and from 22~25 dilution rate in heterologous group of BSA treated positive control group. However, intradermal sensitization with antiserum obtained from low (0.3%) and high (3%) dose of BARODONⓡ only treatment group and treated-with-adjuvant group, followed by intravenous injection of respective antigen and Evan's blue mixture (1:1) showed no blue spot observed. In conclusion, BARODONⓡ, as showed in ASA and PCA test, did not cause anaphylatic shock when treated 3 and 10 times higher than clinically intended dose, nor induce IgE, so that might not have antigenic properties in mice and guinea pigs.
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