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Biopotency and surrogate assays to validate the immunomodulatory potency of extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem/stromal cells for the treatment of experimental autoimmune uveitis

Cited 3 time in Web of Science Cited 4 time in Scopus

Kaur, Gagandeep; Bae, Eun-Hye; Zhang, Yu; Ciacciofera, Nicole; Jung, Kyung Min; Barreda, Heather; Paleti, Carol; Oh, Joo Youn; Lee, Ryang Hwa

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Extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) have been recognized as promising cytotherapeutics due to their demonstrated immunomodulatory effects in various preclinical models. The immunomodulatory capabilities of EVs stem from the proteins and genetic materials they carry from parent cells, but the cargo contents of EVs are significantly influenced by MSC tissues and donors, cellular age and culture conditions, resulting in functional variations. However, there are no surrogate assays available to validate the immunomodulatory potency of MSC-EVs before in vivo administration. In previous work, we discovered that microcarrier culture conditions enhance the immunomodulatory function of MSC-EVs, as well as the levels of immunosuppressive molecules such as TGF-beta 1 and let-7b in MSC-EVs. Building on these findings, we investigated whether TGF-beta 1 levels in MSC-EVs could serve as a surrogate biomarker for predicting their potency in vivo. Our studies revealed a strong correlation between TGF-beta 1 and let-7b levels in MSC-EVs, as well as their capacity to suppress IFN-gamma secretion in stimulated splenocytes, establishing biopotency and surrogate assays for MSC-EVs. Subsequently, we validated MSC-EVs generated from monolayer cultures (ML-EVs) or microcarrier cultures (MC-EVs) using murine models of experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU) and additional in vitro assays reflecting the Mode of Action of MSC-EVs in vivo. Our findings demonstrated that MC-EVs carrying high levels of TGF-beta 1 exhibited greater efficacy than ML-EVs in halting disease progression in mice with EAU as well as inducing apoptosis and inhibiting the chemotaxis of retina-reactive T cells. Additionally, MSC-EVs suppressed the MAPK/ERK pathway in activated T cells, with treatment using TGF-beta 1 or let-7b showing similar effects on the MAPK/ERK pathway. Collectively, our data suggest that MSC-EVs directly inhibit the infiltration of retina-reactive T cells toward the eyes, thereby halting the disease progression in EAU mice, and their immunomodulatory potency in vivo can be predicted by their TGF-beta 1 levels.
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  • College of Medicine
  • Department of Medicine
Research Area 각막 및 외안부 질환, 백내장


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