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우리나라 응급의료 중진료권별 급성 뇌졸중 진료수준: 중증응급의료센터를 위한 제언 : Quality of Acute Stroke Care within Emergency Medical Service System in Korea: Proposal for Severe Emergency Medical Center

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이경복; 이지성; 이정윤; 김준엽; 정한영; 김성은; 김종욱; 김도연; 이건주; 강지훈; 김범준; 김태정; 안상준; 백장현; 김성헌; 나현욱; 이종윤; 권지현; 안성환; 정근화; 박희권; 박태환; 박종무; 조용진; 고임석; 이수주; 차재관; 나정호; 이준영; 이병철; 배인옥; 김귀옥; 배희준

Issue Date
대한신경과학회지, Vol.41 No.1, pp.18-30
Background: Korea recently established 70 emergency medical service areas. However, there are many concerns that medical resources for stroke could not be evenly distributed through the country.
We aimed to compare the treatment quality and outcomes of acute stroke among the emergency medical service areas.
Methods: This study analyzed the data of 28,800 patients admitted in 248 hospitals which participated in the 8th acute stroke quality assessment by Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. Individual hospitals were regrouped into emergency service areas according to the address of the location. Assessment indicators and fatality were compared by the service areas. We defined the appropriate hospital by the performance of intravenous thrombolysis.
Results: In seven service areas, there were no hospitals which received more than 10 stroke patients for 6 months. In nine service areas, there were no patients who underwent intravenous thrombolysis (IVT). Among 167 designated emergency medical centers, 50 hospitals (29.9%) responded that IVT was impossible 24 hours a day. There are 97 (39.1%) hospitals that meet the definitions of appropriate hospital. In 23 service areas (32.9%) had no appropriate or feasible hospitals. The fatality of service areas with stroke centers were 6.9% within 30 days and 15.6% within 1 year from stroke onset than those without stroke centers (7.7%, 16.9%, respectively).
Conclusions: There was a wide regional gap in the medical resource and the quality of treatments for acute stroke among emergency medical service areas in Korea. The poststroke fatality rate of the service areas which have stroke centers or appropriate hospitals were significantly low.
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