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삶의 중요한 일부로서의 스마트폰: 직장인 · 대학생 대상 설문조사와 여자대학생 대상 현장연구 : Smartphone as an Important Part of Life: A Questionnaire Survey with College Students/Workers and an
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Web of Science
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2019
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 비교문화연구소
- Citation
- 비교문화연구, Vol.25 No.1, pp. 211-267
- Keywords
- 스마트폰, SNS, 사진, 스트레스, 설문조사, 현장연구, Smartphone Usage, SNS, Photo, Stress, Questionnaire, ; Ethnographic Fieldwork
- Abstract
- 이 연구에서는 대학생과 20~40대 직장인 500명의 스마트폰사용을 설
문조사를 통해 연령대별/성별로 살펴본 후, 여자대학생에 중점을 두어 스
마트폰이 어떻게 이들의 삶의 중요한 일부가 되고 있는지 논의했다. 연구
자 2명과 연구보조원 36명이 자신과 주변인의 스마트폰 사용방식을 참여
관찰하고, 80여 명과의 심층면담과 4회의 FGI를 실시했다. 스마트폰과
가장 밀착된 삶을 사는 것으로 나타난 여자대학생들은 57%가 하루 5시간
이상 스마트폰을 사용했다. 스마트폰사용으로 소요시간이 늘어난 활동은
취미생활, 쇼핑/관련정보검색, SNS, 사진찍기 등이고, 줄어든 활동은 혼
자서 생각하기, 독서, 가족/친구와 함께하기, 교육/학습활동 등이다. 이들
은 스마트폰을 필수품으로 여기고, 친구, 일상/생활, 또 하나의 나 등
의 의미를 부여했다. 한편 이들은 무의식적으로나 재미/현실도피를 위
해 스마트폰을 과다사용한다고 느꼈으며, SNS에 게시할만한 사진을 찍고
친구의 게시물에 반응을 보여야 하며 연락에 즉시 답해야 한다는 스트레
스를 받았다. 스마트폰의 편의성/휴대성/즉각성은 사용자의 삶을 스마트
폰 중심으로 개편시키고 있었다.
This study examined the smartphone usage of college students and
workers in their 20s, 30s and 40s. We discussed how smartphones are
becoming an important part of their lives, focusing on female college
students who tend to spend the most time on smartphones. For that
purpose, three types of studies were conducted: 1) A questionnaire
survey with 500 participants, 2) participant observation by two
researchers and 36 research assistants who focused on their own
smartphone usage as well as the smartphone usage of their
friends/family members and 3) in-depth interviews with 80 college
students and 4 focus group interviews at a coed university.
The research found that female college students tend to use their
smartphones much more than male college students and workers.
Indeed, 57% of female college students used smartphones more than
five hours a day. Activities that showed an increase in terms of time
consumption due to smartphone usage were 1) hobbies, 2) shopping,
3) social media, 4) taking pictures and 5) travelling/searching for
travel-related information. Using smartphones led to less time spent
on the following activities: 1) thinking alone, 2) reading, 3) spending
time with family or friends and 4) education/learning activities.
College students felt anxious without their smartphones and
considered them a necessity. Moreover, many gave meaning and value
to their smartphones labelling them a friend, an everyday life
companion, and another self. At the same time, however, students
were found to be stressed because of their excessive use of
smartphones. They felt that they were spending too much time on
their smartphones either unconsciously, for fun or for escape. In
particular, SNS applications, often used for killing time, and
communication applications, which put students under pressure for
immediate reply, were the top two causes of smartphone-related
This study found that the convenience, mobility and the spontaneity
of smartphones deeply influenced the lifestyles of their users.
Socio-structural causes of the excessive use of smartphones were
further discussed in the study.
- 1226-0568
- Language
- Korean
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