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民事訴訟法의 순화 그 필요성과 실제 : The Purification of Expressions in the Civil Proceedings Act

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서울대학교 사범대학
사대논총, Vol.57, pp. 19-38
Acts are practical norms which are established to maintain peace and order of a society. Therefore, the style of acts should be plain and clear. Otherwise it can be difficult for the people to observe and execute acts. So expressions of acts should be purified. Necessities for purification of acts are as followsa. First, they should be practical norms. Second, their styles of expressions should be correct and clear. Third, their styles of expressions should become familiar to the public. Finally they should represent the dignity of a nation. The purification of expressions in the Civil Proceedings Act includes the following categories of principles. The first, the purification of terms; ① purification of difficult Chinese words ② purification of words in Japanese style ③ purification of authoritative words The second, the purification of sentences; ① purification of written expressions in Chinese style ② purification of expressions in Japanese style ③ purification of grammatically wrong expressions ④ purification of misuse or overuse of noun phrases ⑤ simplification of long and complicated expressions ⑥ purification of sentences with some problems in meaning Because the purification doesn't make a radical approach but takes the middle course, it might be insufficient. There also could be some parts which still need to be reformed. In the future, it is expected to expand the objects of purification and amelioration.
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