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星湖 李瀷의 西學인식 : Yi Iks Understanding of the Western Learning
DC Field | Value | Language |
---|---|---| | 금장태 | - | | 2014-01-14T02:26:57Z | - | | 2014-01-14T02:26:57Z | - | | 2000 | - |
dc.identifier.citation | 동아문화, Vol.38, pp. 1-38 | - |
dc.identifier.issn | 1598-0200 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.abstract | 明末인 17세기초에 국내에 전래되기 시작하였던 西學(서양과학기술과 천주교 교리)은 明末·淸初의 새로운 문물로서 서서히 조선사회에 축적되기 시작하였으나, 西學인식의 수준이 한 차원 높은 단계로 전환하는 계기를 열어준 인물은 100년이상 지나서 18세기초 星湖 李瀷(1681-1763)이다. 그는 畿湖南人(近畿南人)의 가문으로 숙종때의 극심한 당쟁에 밀려 부친 梅山 李夏鎭은 유배지인 평안도 雲山에서 죽었고, 26세때(1706) 仲兄 剡溪 李潛은 上疏를 올렸다가 杖殺당하는 비극을 겪었다. 이러한 상황에서 그는 일찍부터 벼슬에 뜻을 버리고 학문에만 전념하였으며, 앞서 부친이 숙종 4년(1678) 陳慰兼進香使로 燕京에 갔다가 康熙帝가 내려준 銀과 비단으로 중국에서 구입해 왔던 수천권의 서적으로 자신의 학문세계를 열어가는 기틀을 삼았다.
Yi Ik's Understanding of the Western Learning, which was deepened by his contact with the Western culture including the Western texts translated into Chinese, demanded a new direction as well as the task of change to the intellectual history of his time. In terms of the attitude towards the Western Learning, he opened a new stage of diversified and active understanding over the previous stage of fragmental and unsophisticated introduction, and a1so presented the attitude of selective acceptance by actively accepting Western sciences, having open interests in Western cultures, and understanding Western moral rules positively, while criticizing the Christian doctrines. Moreover, unfolding among his followers into anti-West group and pro-West group, his understanding of the Western Learning developed into the central problem of the time. As a Neo-confucian, Yi Ik accepted Western sciences on the basis of the Neo-confucian world-view and formed a new world-view in which the traditional Neo-confucianism and the Western sciences coexisted and merged together. Furthermore, not being confined within the speculative Neo-confucian cosmology, and opening the intellectual flow of his time a way to the positive and rational world-view of the Western science, Yi Ik's thought provided the basis and the direction for the Practical Learning of the late Choson dynasty. | - |
dc.language.iso | ko | - |
dc.publisher | 서울대학교 인문대학 동아문화연구소 | - |
dc.title | 星湖 李瀷의 西學인식 | - |
dc.title.alternative | Yi Iks Understanding of the Western Learning | - |
dc.type | SNU Journal | - |
dc.contributor.AlternativeAuthor | Keum, Jang-tae | - |
dc.citation.journaltitle | 동아문화 | - |
dc.citation.endpage | 38 | - |
dc.citation.pages | 1-38 | - |
dc.citation.startpage | 1 | - |
dc.citation.volume | 38 | - |
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