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地下鐵 連繫驛勢圈설정 준거로서 通行時間 構成要素들의 유의성 - 서울 非都心地域을 대상으로 : The Significance of Travel Time Components as a Criterion to Delimiting the Indirect Influence Zone in the Subway Station Catchment Area : a case study of non-CBD areas in Seoul

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서울대학교 국토문제연구소
지리학논총, Vol.22, pp. 93-107
驛勢圈역세권通行時間 構成要素통행시간 구성요소總通行時間총통행시간徒步時間도보시간待機時間대기시간乘車時間승차시간subway stationcatchment areatravel time componentstotal travel timewalk timewait timein-vehicle time
There have been manu studies related to the subject of station catchment areas, produced no alternatives how to delimit the catch area on the real world setting. Taking travel time components as explanatory variable, this study focuses on clarifying to what extent these components are significant in explaining station choice, i.e. in using as a criterion to the delimitation of the station catchment area, especially indirect influence zone, and also on identifying which of the components are more significant in explaining that behavior. A survey was conducted in the indirect influence zones of the stations located at Sungdong- and Seocho-Gu, both outside the CBD of Seoul. The travel time components examined are the total travel time, walk time, wait time, and in-vehicle time. The significances of these variables were tested using the discriminant analysis. The major findings of the analysis are as follows: 1. For the whole survey respondents, the wait time is the first-degree(most significant) variable, and the in-vehicle time and walk time are selected as the second-degree(more significant) variables. It reflects the tendency that people prefer convenience in travel. 2. In commuters, the first-degree variable is in-vehicle time, and the second-degree variable is walk time. In other purpose travelers, the first-degree variables are in-vehicle time, wait time, and walk time. The distinction between these two groups is not clear. But the latter groups prefer convenience, reflecting their own travel characteristics. 3. In transit users, the first-degree variable is in-vehicle time. In other mode users, the first-degree variable is wait time, and the second-degree variables are in-vehicle time and walk time. The former modal groups emphasize time efficiency, while the latter convenience. This difference appears to be resulted from the difference of travel experiences between the two groups.
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