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GIS를 利用한 산불擴散 모델링 : Forest fire spread modeling using GIS
Cited 0 time in
Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 1996
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 국토문제연구소
- Citation
- 지리학논총, Vol.27, pp. 1-19
- Keywords
- 산불확산 모델링 ; 불의 행태 ; 모델 ; forest fire spread modeling ; fire behavior ; model
- Abstract
- The aims of this study are to (1) evaluate the factors influencing forest fire spread as fundamental data for forest fire spread modeling, and (2) predict the pattern of forest fire spread using GIS at a real time, understanding the interaction of factors. Chapter I addresses the statement of the background to this study and the methodology used. Chapter II summarizes previous researches on the factors influencing forest fire spread and constucts the databaserelated to it. Then, Chapter ill presents forest fire spread modeling using Arc/Info GRID and AML at a
real time and verifies it. Chapter N summarizes the conclusion of this study. The results of this study are as follows. (1) The pattern of spread is determined mostly by fuel and by topography and by the speed and direction of sUliace wind. (2) With GIS technology, map products can be created that not only analyze fire behavior but incorporates such information as the type of fuels, moisture content, and the topography effects associated with fire conditions. (3) Successful forest fire spread strategies rely on fire behavior models, which in turn rely on the accurate data of each environment. Mayor causes of forest fire are natural combustion in the United States but are man-caused fire in us. (4) In the United States and Canada, Forest fire spread modeling is applied to a gentle change of slope at local-scale topography. But, In Korea we need to do forest fire spread modeling considering a steep change of slope at it.
- 1226-5888
- Language
- Korean
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