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두개내 두개외 혈관문합술 : Extracranial-Intracranial Arterial Bypass
Cited 0 time in
Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 1981-03
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 의과대학
- Citation
- Seoul J Med, Vol.22 No.1, pp. 107-110
- Abstract
- Since the first innovative surgical procedures of
Extracranial-Intracranial Arterial Bypass(EIAB) were
successfully carried out in 1967 by Drs. Yasargil and
Donaghy , there has been a growing interest in this
procedure. Over three thousand operations have been
performed world-wide. There arc basically two indications
for such a procedure. The first is for occlusive
cerebrovascular diseases. The second is for establishing
a prophylactic collateral blood supply in order to
allow safe occlusion of a major intracranial vessel
necessary for the surgical management of some giant
aneurysms. In selected cases of occlusive cerebroyascular
disease, the EIAB procedures can ameriolate
transient ischemic attacks as well as reverse some
neurologic deficits. However , the selection of patients
of surgical management still remains controversial.
Indications generally agreed upon are patients with
TIA or RIND whose angiograms demonstrate a
stenotic or occlusive lesion anatomically appropriate to the clinical symptoms and not treatable with
standard surgical procedures. In this report the
author described his experience of 5 cases with
EIAB and discussed the criteria for patient selection
and operative technique as well as long term results.
- 0582-6802
- Language
- Korean
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