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따라읽기 교육 시스템 개발용 끊어읽기 경계 주석 코퍼스 구축에 관한 예비 연구 : A Pilot Study on Building a Chunk Boundary -annotated English Corpus for a Computer-assisted Echo Reading Education System

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임서현; 김선희

Issue Date
사단법인 한국언어학회
언어학 No.92, pp.3-40
This paper presents a pilot study on constructing a chunk boundary-annotated English corpus to develop a computer-assisted echo reading education system for beginner English learners. Echo reading is an effective reading strategy in which the teacher reads a chunk of text aloud and students echo back the reading of the chunk. To construct the corpus, it is assumed that the research participants, adult English speakers, teach English to beginner learners of English using the echo reading strategy.
In the corpus, a chunk has 2~4 words (3~5 syllables) on average and sentence length and pause number are highly correlated. When they teach echo reading to beginner learners of English, the adult speakers of English can choose their strategies from three options: changing the number of chunks, the chunk length, or both, if the length of a sentence changes. The participants of the experiment showed individual differences in chunking for echo reading education by selecting different strategies. We need to consider the most appropriate chunking strategies in building a chunk boundary-annotated corpus for echo reading education for beginner English learners.
69.05% of the chunking boundaries in the small corpus are identical to the syntactic phrase boundaries. Only 59.88% of the semantic chunk boundaries are identical to the chunking boundaries. In addition, English speakers pause after a comma, but they do not pause when it is used for word or phrase listing. They also put a chunk boundary after a clause. On the other hand, there tend to be no chunk boundaries after function words. If a subjects syllables are less than 4 syllables, English speakers do not pause after the subject. The chunk boundary-annotated corpus we develop should reflect these chunking patterns.
The chunk-annotated corpus for a computer-assisted echo-reading system will be useful in various research fields such as English education, linguistics, Spoken Language Processing, and Natural Language Processing.
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