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전정기능저하 어지럼 환자를 위한 자기효능증진 전정재활운동 교육의 효과 : Effectiveness of self-efficacy promoting vestibular rehabilitation program for patients with vestibular hypofunction

Cited 1 time in Web of Science Cited 2 time in Scopus

이현정; 최스미

Issue Date
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, Vol.46 No.5, pp.710-719
Purpose: In this study an examination was done of the effect of self-efficacy promoting vestibular rehabilitation (S-VR) on dizziness, exercise self efficacy, adherence to vestibular rehabilitation (VR), subjective and objective vestibular function, vestibular compensation and the recurrence of dizziness in patients with vestibular hypofunction. Methods: This was a randomized controlled study, Data were collected 3 times at baseline, 4 and 8 weeks after beginning the intervention. Outcome measures were level of dizziness, exercise self-efficacy, and level of adherence to VR. Subjective and objective vestibular function, vestibular compensation and the recurrence of dizziness were also obtained. Data were analyzed using Windows SPSS 21.0 program. Results: After 4 weeks of S-VR, there was no difference between the groups for dizziness, subjective and objective vestibular functions, However, exercise self-efficacy and adherence to VR were higher in the experimental group than in the control group. After 8 weeks of S-VR, dizziness (p=.018) exercise self-efficacy (p<,001), adherence to VR (p <.001), total-dizziness handicap inventory (DHI) (p=.012), vision analysis ratio (p=.046) in the experimental group differ significantly from that of the control group. The number of patients with recurring dizziness were higher in the control group than in the experimental group (p<,001), Conclusion: The results indicate that continuous 8 weeks of S-VR is effective in reducing dizziness, and improving exercise self-efficacy, subjective vestibular function and adherence to VR. Objective vestibular function and vestibular compensation were also improved in the experimental group at the end of 8 weeks of S-VR.
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