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System 的 · 狀況適應的 組織設計 Model : A Systems and Contingency Model of Organizaion Design

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서울대학교 경영대학 경영연구소
경영논집, Vol.15 No.3, pp. 120-146
This article will examine some of the recent research findings on organizations and

suggest a scheme for understanding how different organizational patterns may develop in

response to specific combinations of elements in the internal and external environment.

Before persuing this, I have traced the evolution of organization theory from traditional

views, through modifications of the behavioral and quantitative sciences, to the development

of systems concepts, and finally to the emergence of contingency views.

Traditional theory emphasized the development of principles which were appropriate

and applicable to all organizations. These universal principles were quite prescriptive-there

was only one appropriate way to design and manage organizations. Although the

quantitative and behavioral sciences have introduced new concepts to the study of

organizations, they too have tended toward prescribing the "one best way".

But an organization is an interdependent system-a result of complex interaction between

itself and environment. It includes the environmental suprasystem as well as the overall

organizational system and its important subsystems-goals and values, technical, structural,

psychosocial, and managerial. The question of organization design can fruitfully be

explored by identifying these diverse forces influencing the structure. Therefore I arranged

a brief analysis of these elements which would indicate kow they might influence

a company's actions in designing an organization.

Considering all the factors, system concepts and contingtncy viess provide a basis for

designing organization, viewing it as an adaptive ecological system in its environment.

Systems theory may be considered a general theory of organizations, integrating classical

and neoclassical with contemporary concepts. This is done by viewing an organization

as a dynamic process that occurs with and, in general, is controlled by a structure.

Systems theory involves a relatively high level of abstraction. On the other hand,contingency views tend to be more concrete and to emphasize more specific characteristics

unique to organizations. In effect, the contingency theory demonstrates clearly that there

is no one best way to design an organization as either a total system in its own right

or as a subsystem within a larger system. It seeks to understand the interrelationships

within and among subsystems as well as between the organization and its environment

and to define patterns of matrix relationships of variables-management and environment

variables. This contingency'model provides a framework for research and comparatfve

analysis by focusing on supra-and subsystems and their key dimensions and by describing

characteristics and open/adaptive/organic.

Despite its general usefulness, there are, however, less evidence about the actual implementation

of the design in changing an existing organization, and doubts about the

validity of the scale used to measure environmental uncertainty. So for these tasks we

will need to develop better data, refine the measuring instruments, and develop methods

of implementing the basic concepts.
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