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Поэтнкa современной русской лнтературы: особенностн субъектной организации, трансформация жанров и родов : Poetics of the contemporary Russian literature: narrative specificity, transformation of genres, epos and drama

Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus

Шуников, В

Issue Date
서울대학교 러시아연구소
러시아연구, Vol.20 No.1, pp. 1-41
Тенденции в литературном "роцессе второй половины хх - начала

ХХ I веков побуждают исследователей при анализе новейшей романистики

особо присталыюе внимание обращать на повествовательную орrанизацию

произведении, Идеологич ескую ос нову доминирования нарраТlIва в

художественном целом заложила эстети ка постмодер низма ,

сформировавшаяся в 1950 -е годы в европейской и американской

л итературе, несколько позже, в 70- ые, утвеРД lIвшаяся в России. гум}анитарны1e м}ыслители , ак{к{ум}улировавшие в своих СО
к{лючевые новшества соврем}енной им} к{ультуры ( Ж. Деррида ,!) Пол ь де

МаН,2) Ж, Бодрийяр , К , Брук{- Роуз,З) М. Липовецк{ий4 )) , представили

процесс тек{стопорождения к{ак{ ун иверсальный, составляющий' су щность

любой твор'iеск{ой деятельности человек{а и вм}есте с тем}

сам}одостаточный . « Постм}одернизм} не признает приоритета жиз ни перед

эстетик{ой : напротив, он поним}ает все сущее к{ак{ реализацию всеобщих

сем}иотическ{и х процессов5))) . (( Пи сьм}о», повествование стало

Contempora ry Russian literature IS a subject of numerous discussions and philological studies in Russia and abroad. Nevertheless there is still no clear- cut description of its main poetic features and dominant tendencies in the literary process. V. L. Shunikov, an as sistant professor of Moscow state university and a visiting professor at Seoul national univers ity in 2008-2010. tries to fill up the gap. He analyzed more then [en novels and stories ('poves ty'r . written in 1980-20005. and basing on it compares the subject and object structure of the latest Russian prose with the literary tradit ion as a whole. From one hand these works are examined in the light of the classical narra tological concept, grew up on the literature of the 19th - the first half of the 20th centuries. On the other hand the latest Russian novels and stories discusses in comparison with the chronologie-all}' nearest aesthetics, e. g. pos tmodem. Thanks to dominant role of the subjective structure in the novels and s tories, written in 1980-20005. Shunikov pays main atten tion to the characteristics of the narrators and their competence. The global process of the functional unification and voice equalization of all 'speaking subjects' (narrators and characters as well) is discovered in the contemporary prose. There are three steps of this process and for each of them the author of the art icle describes the most frequent techniques of writing. At the same time it is shown how the transformation of the narrative influences on the internal world. A new - narratological - meaning of such term s as 'event', 'plot ' ct cetera is explained. At last all these peculiarities eliminate differences between genres and betw een epic literature and drama. V. L. Shunikov proves the largest part of narrati ve configurations in the late st prose belongs to the ostmodernisrn, so he corrects commonplace that contempora ry Russ ian literat ure got over this aesthetics. Auth or asserts at the same time postmodern writing technique IS imed to manifest not a relativi stic postmodern philosophy, but other concept s , then we ca n talk about POSTpos tmodem or neo- (neorealistic. neorornantic, eosentimental... ) poetics.
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