
Detailed Information

목재제품 탄소축적량 평가 및 국가고유 탄소배출계수 개발에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language
dc.description학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 산림과학부(환경재료과학전공), 2015. 8. 여환명.-
dc.description.abstract나무는 생장 시 대기중의 이산화탄소를 흡수하고 폐기 시에 이를 방출하는 탄소중립적 (carbon neutral)인 자원이며, 지속가능한 생산 (sustainable production)을 담보하는 친환경 자원이다. 산림 속의 나무를 가공하여 얻어지는 재료인 목재의 탄소 저장고로서의 역할과 기존 화석자원 대체물질로서의 쓰임새는 날로 중요해지고 있다. 목재는 자원활용측면과 기후변화측면에서 매우 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 목재제품의 생산에서 폐기까지 전과정에 걸친 탄소순환 시스템의 이해와 이와 관련한 정량적인 환경지표 설정은 목재산업발전 및 관련 국가정책수립을 위해 유용하게 이용될 수 있다.
본 연구에서는 국산원목을 이용하여 생산된 목재제품을 대상으로 생산, 이용, 폐기 전과정에 걸친 탄소의 정량적인 흐름을 분석하였다. 목재제품 생산을 위해 투입되는 총 원자재량(원목 + 목재부산물)의 80% 이상을 차지하는 제재목, 합판, 파티클보드, 섬유판을 연구대상으로 선정하였다.
생산단계에서 목재제품 제조 시 투입되는 자원과 에너지를 분석하여 탄소배출량을 평가하고, 목재제품의 온실가스 저감효과를 타 재료와 비교하기 위하여 전과정평가를 수행하였다.
이용단계에서의 탄소배출과 관련 있는 목재제품의 반감기를 도출하기 위한 방법으로 탄소축적량 이용법을 적용하였다. 단기간의 1차목재제품 (제재목, PB 등) 생산량, 1차목재제품의 용도별 최종목재제품(구조재, 가설재 등)으로의 분배비율과 최종목재제품 폐기량을 이용하여 최종목재제품의 실제 누적 탄소축적량 을 구한다. 이 값과 IPCC 탄소 축적량 평가모델에 가정된 최종목재제품의 반감기를 적용하여 도출된 예측 누적 탄소축적량 을 비교하여 실제 누적 탄소축적량 과 예측 누적 탄소축적량을 가장 유사하게 만드는 가정된 반감기 값을 최종목재제품의 반감기 값으로 결정하였다. 도출된 국산 최종목재제품 반감기는 구조 및 내장재 43년, 가구재 32.7년, 가설재 12.7년으로 추산되었다. 이후 결정된 최종목재제품 반감기와 최종 목재제품을 구성하는 1차목재제품의 분배비율을 이용하여 1차목재제품의 반감기를 산정하였다. 도출된 국산 1차목재제품 반감기는 제재목 25.9년, 합판 41.1년, 파티클보드 32.8년, 섬유판 35.4년으로 추산되었다.
폐기단계에서의 목재제품 탄소배출량을 평가하고자, 기존의 국외 문헌값과 국내에 작성되어 있는 온실가스배출계수를 이용하여 폐목재 소각 시 배출되는 탄소량을 평가하고, 매립된 목재제품의 반감기를 추정하였다. 매립지에 매립된 폐목재의 연간분해율을 도출하기 위한 방안으로 목재의 셀룰로오스와 리그닌의 비(C/L ratio)를 폐기지표로 제시하였다. 근적외선분광분석법을 이용하여 C/L ratio 예측모델을 개발하고 폐목재의 구성성분 평가가능성을 제시하였다.
앞에서 도출된 각 단계별 목재제품 반감기를 이용하여, IPCC 탄소축적량 평가모델에 따라 최근 40여년간(1970년~2012년)의 사용 중 및 매립된 목재제품 탄소축적량을 시산하였다. 1970년부터 2012년까지 국산 목재제품의 탄소축적량은 약 1,100만톤으로 추산되었다.
본 연구를 통해 목재제품과 관련된 자원 및 에너지관리, 폐기물관리 등의 국가 정책 수립에 참고할 수 있는 정보 (과거 및 미래 목재제품 탄소량 예측, 목재제품 관련 온실가스 인벤토리 구축 등) 를 생성할 수 있으며, 탄소흡수원으로서 목재제품의 체계적인 관리를 위한 기초자료로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
dc.description.tableofcontents목 차

제 1 장
서 론 ············································································································ 1

1. 연구배경 ····································································································· 2
2. 연구목적 ····································································································· 5
3. 연구사 ······································································································· 11
3.1. 목재제품 탄소계정·············································································· 11
3.2. 목재제품 수명 결정 ·········································································· 16
3.3. 목재제품 전과정평가·········································································· 22
3.4. 근적외선 분광분석법·········································································· 28
제 2 장
생산단계에서의 목재제품 탄소배출량 평가 ··········································· 30

1. 서 론 ······································································································· 31
2. 목재제품의 온실가스 배출량 산정 ····················································· 36
2.1. 목재제품 생산시의 전과정평가 ······················································ 36
2.1.1. 목적 및 범위 정의 ······································································· 36
2.1.2. 기능단위 ························································································· 36
2.1.3. 제품 시스템 ··················································································· 36
2.1.4. 데이터 범주 ··················································································· 37
2.1.5. 데이터 품질 ··················································································· 37
2.1.6. 가정 및 제한 사항 ······································································· 38
2.1.7. 제품별 탄소배출량 평가 ····························································· 39 제재목 ························································································ 39 합판 ···························································································· 45 파티클보드 ················································································ 49 섬유판 ························································································ 53
2.2. 자원 대체를 통한 이산화탄소 저감 ·············································· 57
2.3 생산단계에서의 목재제품의 탄소배출량 평가 ····························· 58
3. 결 론 ········································································································· 61
제 3 장
이용단계에서의 목재제품 탄소배출량 평가 ··········································· 62

1. 서 론 ······································································································· 63
1.1 반감기 정의 ························································································· 63
1.2 연구대상 ······························································································· 65
2. 이용 단계에서의 목재제품 반감기 결정 ··········································· 66
2.1. 필요인자 도출 ···················································································· 66
2.1.1. 1차목재제품 통계 ·········································································· 66
2.1.2. 탄소계수 ························································································· 67
2.1.3. 생산 및 폐기시 전체 목재제품 중 국산 목재제품이
차지하는 비율·················································································· 68
2.1.4. 분배비율 ························································································· 69
2.1.5. 폐목재 발생량 및 비율 ······························································· 70
2.2. 수명(반감기)결정을 위한 방법론 결정 ········································· 72
2.2.1. 실측 데이터를 이용한 목재제품 탄소저장량 결정 ·············· 73
2.2.2. 실측 탄소축적량과 IPCC 탄소축적량 모델과의 비교 ·········· 74
2.2.3. 분배비율에 따른 1차목재제품 반감기 결정 ··························· 75
2.3. 결과 ······································································································ 76
2.3.1. 실측 데이터를 이용한 목재제품 탄소저장량 결정 ··············· 76
2.3.2. 실측 탄소축적량과 IPCC 모델과의 비교 ································ 89
2.3.3. 분배비율에 따른 1차목재제품 반감기 결정 ··························· 94
2.3.4. 민감도 평가 ··················································································· 98
3. 결 론 ······································································································· 102
제 4 장
폐기단계에서의 목재제품 탄소배출량 평가 ········································· 104

1. 서 론 ····································································································· 105
1.1. 폐기물 현황························································································ 105
1.2. 연구대상범위 ···················································································· 107
2. 폐기단계에서의 목재제품 탄소배출량 평가····································· 108
2.1 매립지에서의 분해율 산정······························································· 108
2.1.1. 필요인자 도출··············································································· 108
2.1.2. 매립지 목재제품 분해율 측정 방법론 결정 ························· 109
2.2. 연간분해율 측정방법 ······································································ 114
2.2.1. 연구현황························································································· 114
2.2.2. 실험재료 및 방법········································································· 117
2.2.3. 실험결과 ······················································································· 122
2.3. 소각에 의한 목재제품의 탄소 배출 ············································ 129
3. 결 론 ····································································································· 132
제 5 장
국산 목재제품의 탄소축적량 평가 및 영향 ········································· 134

1. 서 론 ····································································································· 135
2. 국내 목재제품 탄소축적량 평가························································· 137
2.1. Tier 1 및 Tier 2 단계별 탄소축적량 평가 ···································· 137
3. 목재제품 이용을 통한 경제적 · 환경적 영향 평가 ····················· 148
3.1. 자원생산성 ························································································ 151
3.2. 에코효율성·························································································· 153
3.2. 자원대비 환경영향 ·········································································· 155
4. 결 론 ····································································································· 157

총론 및 제언·································································································· 159

참고문헌 ········································································································ 163
표 목 차

Table 1.1 Trend in annual carbon dioxide absorption amount of forest ······································································································· 3

Table 1.2 Estimation method of carbon stock of HWP by tier level ····································································································· 10

Table 1.3 IPCC carbon accounting approach ············································· 13

Table 2.1 Input of wooden materials of each wood product ······································································································ 35

Table 2.2 Life cycle inventory of larch lumber production ························ 41

Table 2.3 Life cycle inventory of larch roundwood production ················· 42

Table 2.4 Life cycle inventory of seven species roundwood production ····································································································· 43

Table 2.5 Data category of plywood production ········································ 45

Table 2.6 Reference of life cycle inventory database of plywood production ····································································································· 47

Table 2.7 Data category of particleboard production ································· 50

Table 2.8 Reference of life cycle inventory database of particleboard production ·················································································· 51

Table 2.9 Data category of fiberboard production ····································· 53

Table 2.10 Reference of life cycle inventory database of fiberboard production ··················································································· 55
Table 2.11 Comparison of carbon dioxide emissions of resources in production ··················································································· 57
Table 2.12 Carbon emission of production on wood products ····················· 59

Table 3.1 Detail of sources by waste wood ················································ 71

Table 3.2 Statistics of semi-final HWP produced in Korea ························ 77

Table 3.3 Default and country-specific factors to convert from product unit to carbon ····················································································· 79

Table 3.4 Distribution ratio of domestic semi-final wood products ····································································································· 81

Table 3.5 Domestic roundwood utilization of wood products by domestic production ··················································································· 83

Table 3.6 Amount and classification of waste wood by emission source ····································································································· 86

Table 3.7 Self-sufficiency rate of domestic wood products ······················· 88

Table 3.8 Carbon stocks of domestic final HWP with product-specific actual data ····························································································· 90

Table 3.9 Half-life of domestic Lumber ···················································· 95

Table 3.10 Half-life of domestic Plywood ··················································· 96

Table 3.11 Half-life of domestic PB ···························································· 96

Table 3.12 Half-life of domestic MDF ························································ 97

Table 3.13 Kinds of sensitivity analysis ······················································ 98

Table 3.14 Sensitivity analysis(One-way) for half-life of final HWP ········ 100

Table 3.15 Sensitivity analysis (Scenario analysis) for half-life of final HWP ··································································································· 101
Table 4.1 Methane generation parameters of domestic managed landfills ··································································································· 110

Table 4.2 Methane generation parameters for waste wood of domestic managed landfills ······································································ 111
Table 4.3 Range of landfill gas composition from municipal solid waste landfills ····················································································· 115
Table 4.4 Weight loss and chemical components on larch wood chip by brown rot fungi ···································································· 122
Table 4.5 Reliability of prediction models of chemical component ratio on wood developed by partial least squares analysis with different mathematical preprocessing ····················································· 125

Table 4.6 Results of predicted chemical constituents by near infrared spectroscopy and actual chemical constituents ························ 128
Table 4.7 Parameters of waste incineration sector ··································· 130

Table 5.1 Carbon dioxide annual uptake of domestic HWP in Korea ··································································································· 141

Table 5.2 Assessment index of economy and environment ····················· 149

Table 5.3 Proportion of energy use of wood product industry by I/O table ··································································································· 150

그 림 목 차

Figure 1.1 Flow chart in this study ································································ 6

Figure 1.2 Classification of the harvested wood products ····························· 8

Figure 1.3 Flow of carbon in wood products ················································· 9

Figure 2.1 Life cycle assessment framework ··············································· 32

Figure 2.2 Flowchart(left) and datasheet(right) windows in PASS ············· 34

Figure 2.3
System boundary of planed dry lumber production ··················· 40
Figure 2.4 System boundary of plywood production ·································· 46

Figure 2.5 System boundary of particle board production ·························· 50

Figure 2.6 System boundary of Fiber board production ······························ 54

Figure 3.1 Flow chart of carbon stock utilization method ··························· 72

Figure 3.2 Determination of half-life of semi-final HWP ··························· 75

Figure 3.3 Half-life of domestic construction & interior materials using carbon stock utilization method ················································· 92

Figure 3.4 Half-life of domestic furnishing materials using carbon stock utilization method ······································································· 92

Figure 3.5 Half-life of domestic construction support materials using carbon stock utilization method ····························································· 93
Figure 4.1 Comparison of the emissions model by carbon emissions ··································································································· 113
Figure 4.2 Weight loss by wood rot fungi ((a) after 1 week, (b) after 12 weeks) ······················································································· 117
Figure 4.3 Carbon emissions of waste type ··············································· 131
Figure 5.1 Carbon stock of domestic HWP by applying the country-specific data(Tier 2) (excluding paper) ················································· 139
Figure 5.2 Carbon stock of domestic HWP by applying the country-specific data(Tier 2) (including paper) ·················································· 143
Figure 5.3 Carbon stock of domestic HWP by applying the country-specific data(Tier 1) (including paper) ·················································· 144
Figure 5.4 Carbon stock of HWP by each approach ································· 146
Figure 5.5 Carbon stock of HWP in SWDS ·············································· 147
Figure 5.6 Resource productivity of wood products ································· 152
Figure 5.7 Eco-efficiency of wood products ············································· 154
Figure 5.8 Resource specific impacts of wood products ··························· 156
dc.format.extent2913449 bytes-
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.title목재제품 탄소축적량 평가 및 국가고유 탄소배출계수 개발에 관한 연구-
dc.citation.pagesxiii, 179-
dc.contributor.affiliation농업생명과학대학 산림과학부-
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