Showing results 41 to 80 of 12,467
- 3자 주의 (1)
- 3자간 등기명의신탁 (1)
- 4th sub-sec. under sec. 1 of article 7 of Korean Trademark Act (1)
- 4대보험 (1)
- 4․19혁명, 헌법개정, 내각책임제, 양원제, 경찰법, 감찰위원회, 선거관리 (1)
- 523.01 (1)
- 5・16 쿠데타 (1)
- 610 (1)
- 615South-North JointDeclaration (1)
- 615남북공동선언 (1)
- 620.82 (1)
- 621 (1)
- 621.39 (1)
- 6월 항쟁 (1)
- 8인 정치회담 (1)
- ?束力 (1)
- ?民刑訴訟規則? (1)
- ?民刑訴訟規程? (1)
- [ex ante] self-regulation (1)
- `institutionelle Garantien` (1)
- `korperschaftliche Selbstverwaltung` (1)
- A (1)
- A Agreement, lex societatis (1)
- A Bank Act (2)
- a buyer of store. a contract of store purchase (1)
- a Characteristic of Securities (1)
- A constitutional Thieory on The Special Relationship between South and North Korea (1)
- a desirable relationship between the Korean Patent Court and the Korean Supreme Court (1)
- A Duty of Loyalty (1)
- a injury sustained while going to or returning from work (1)
- a joint inheritor (1)
- a medium-specific analysis (1)
- a pretension ingeritor (1)
- A proposal on a revision of administrative litigation law (1)
- a reasonable amount of damage acknowledgement provision (1)
- a reserved portion at law (1)
- a right of claim for ingeritance recovery (1)
- a right of inheritance (1)
- a seller of store (1)
- a severable claim (1)