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Enhancing New Product Acceptance by Facilitating Cognitive Resolution of Incongruity and Affective Response of Excitement: Focusing on the Comparison of Hedonic vs. Utilitarion Benefit Appeal : 신제품의 스키마불일치성에 대한 인지적 해결과 흥미감의 정서적 반응을 통한 신제품 수용 증진 방안에 대한 연구: Hedonic vs. Utilitarian Benefit Appeal의 비교를 중심으로

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경영대학 경영학과
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서울대학교 대학원
new productscognitive resolution of incongruityaffective response of excitementtype of benefit appealhedonic benefitutilitarian benefitproduct evaluation
학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경영학과 마케팅전공, 2016. 2. 이유재.
신제품을 출시할 경우 신제품은 동일 카테고리 내의 기존 제품에 새로운 속성(attributes)과 혜택(benefits)을 첨가하거나제거하여 출시되기 때문에 기존의 제품과불일치할 수밖에 없는 숙명을 지닌다. 선행 연구들에 의하면 소비자들은 기존의제품스키마와 완전히 일치하거나 완전히불일치하는제품보다는 기존의 제품 스키마에서 살짝 벗어난 제품에 더욱 긍정적인 평가를 한다.

본연구에서는기존연구에서밝힌제품의스키마일치효과(product schema-congruity effect)가왜나타나는지그언더라잉메커니즘을인지적평가과정과정서적평가과정의두경로를통해밝혀보았다.즉,신제품의스키마일치수준이제품에대한평가에이르는과정을제품의스키마불일치성에대한인지적해결 (cognitive resolutionofincongruity)과 흥미감의정서적반응 (affective response of excitement)을통한매개효과를중심으로살펴보았다.또한동일한제품이라할지라도쾌락적혹은실용적혜택과 같이제품 혜택 소구의 유형에 따라 제품에 대한 평가가 달라질 수 있음에 대하여 알아보았다.

본연구의주요 분석결과는크게세부분으로나누어볼수있는데,인지적해결과정,정서적반응과정,그리고제품 혜택 소구의 조절효과부분으로살펴볼수있다.

먼저인지적평가과정에대한주요분석결과는다음과같다.첫째,신제품이 동일 카테고리내의 기존제품스키마와 일치할수록 신제품에대한평가에부정적영향(-)을미친다.둘째,신제품이기존제품스키마와일치할수록인지적해결과정에긍정적영향(+)을미친다. 셋째,신제품의스키마불일치에대한인지적해결이활성화될수록신제품 평가에긍정적영향(+)을미친다.

정서적평가과정을통한주요분석결과는다음과같다.첫째, 한계적으로 유의하기는 하였지만 신제품이동일카테고리내기존제품스키마와일치할수록흥미감이라는정서적반응에부정적(-)영향을미친다. 둘째, 흥미감은제품평가에긍정적영향(+)을미친다.

마지막으로신제품의 스키마 일치 수준이 제품 평가에 미치는 과정에서 혜택 소구 유형의조절효과는 유의하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 쾌락적 혜택을 강조하여 소구할 경우 신제품과 기존제품의 스키마일치수준이 높을수록 스키마 불일치에 대한 인지적 해결과정에 미치는 긍정적인 효과가 더욱 더 증가하였다. 반면에 실용적 혜택을 강조하여 소구 할 경우 기존의 제품과 스키마 일치수준이 높을수록 흥미감이라는 정서적 반응에 미치는 부정적 영향이 더욱 더 증가하였다.

따라서신제품을출시할때에는기존의스키마와너무일치하지않되반드시인지적해결이가능하도록스키마불일치가적정한수준의신제품을출시하고인지적해결을활성화할수있도록쾌락적혜택을강조해야한다.또한실용적혜택을너무부각시키지않음으로써흥미감이감소하지않도록하는방향으로포지셔닝해야한다.즉, 기존의제품스키마에서적절히벗어나흥미감을유발하되반드시신제품의스키마불일치성에대한인지적해결이가능하게출시하고쾌락적혜택을소구하여인지적해결과정을촉진하는것이신제품의수용을증가시킬수있는방안이라고볼수있다.

기존의연구에서는제품의평가과정에서쾌락적혜택은정서적반응을촉진하고,실용적혜택은인지적반응을촉진한다는 이른바쾌락-정서,실용-인지의대응원칙(matching principle) 이주를이루었는데,신제품의 경우기존제품과의스키마일치수준 (the level ofnew product schema congruity)에따라강조된제품혜택소구유형(쾌락적 vs. 실용적 혜택)과제품평가과정(인지적vs. 정서적과정)의상호작용결과가다르게나올수있다는경계조건(boundary condition)을발견했다는점에본연구의의의가있다.

마지막으로 연구 결과를 바탕으로 한 이론적, 실무적 시사점을 논의하였고, 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구 방향을 제시하였다.
Companies frequently develop new products by adding novel attributes that provide new benefits to existing categories. Although new products can offer consumers great benefits than existing products, they have extremely low rates of success. This research investigates the challenge faced by new products that are different from existing products by conducting two experiments based on the theory of schema congruity effect. The differences in congruity between new products and existing product category schema may influence the nature of product evaluation process and thus product evaluations. New products that are incongruent with their associated category schema are expected to receive greater attention and stimulate processing that leads to more favorable evaluations relative to new products that are congruent.

The purpose of this study was to investigate an underlying mechanism of new product evaluation process and to examine the moderating role of type of benefit appeal on the relationship between new product congruity and both cognitive resolution and affective response that eventually lead to evaluations of new products. The author posits that consumers acceptance of new products will increase when marketers use strategies that facilitate cognitive resolution of incongruity and affective response of excitement.

The results from two experiments indicate that cognitive resolution facilitates participants ability to make sense of incongruent new products and leads to favorable product evaluations. And the results also suggest that affective response of excitement leads to favorable product evaluations, although the path from new product congruity to affective response of excitement was marginally significant. Furthermore, the results find the moderating role of type of benefit appeal on the relationship between new product congruity and product evaluation, subsequently examining relationships between new product congruity, cognitive resolution of incongruity, affective response of excitement, and product evaluations.

The primary contribution of this study is to find a boundary condition of the matching principle such that utilitarian benefit facilitates cognitive process and hedonic benefit stimulates affective response. This research findings reveal that the interaction between new product congruity and hedonic benefit appeal increases cognitive resolution of incongruity, whereas the interaction between new product congruity and utilitarian benefit appeal decreases affective response of excitement. And both cognitive resolution of incongruity and affective response of excitement lead to more favorable product evaluation.

New products are different from existing products, because novel attributes are added or existing attributes are eliminated when they are developed. The process of cognitive resolution of incongruity requires cognitive resources, and hedonic benefit appeal stimulates cognitive process of resolving incongruity by facilitating cognitive flexibility. Thus, it is important for marketers to emphasize hedonic benefit appeal when they launch or promote new products.

This research findings can benefit researchers and practitioners by providing insights into mechanism underlying new product evaluation process and suggesting effective marketing strategies suitable for enhancing new products acceptance in the market. Limitations and future research ideas are also discussed.
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