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Koreas Smart ODA Strategy beyond the Controversy between Humanitarianism and National Interest : 인도주의와 국익의 논쟁을 넘어서는 한국의 스마트 ODA 전략

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dc.description학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 국제대학원 : 국제학과(국제통상전공), 2013. 2. 문휘창.-
dc.description.abstract본 연구는 원조를 둘러싼 인도주의와 국익의 논쟁을 넘어서, 공여국과 수원국 간의 공유가치 창출을 통한 상호 간 이익을 최대화하는 스마트 원조전략에 대해 중점을 두었다. 전통적인 공여국(미국, 일본, 북유럽 3 개국 등)과 한국의 원조 전략을 분석함으로써, 각국 원조 전략을 1) 국익중심, 2) 인도주의, 3) 스마트 원조, 4) 자원의 낭비로 새롭게 범주화하였며, 이를 바탕으로 한국의 원조전략 개선을 위해, 1) 경쟁분야: 한국이 다른 원조공여국에 비해 가장 강점으로 지니고 있는 최빈국에서 공여국으로 성장한 한국의 발전경험을 보다 체계화하고, 2) 생산요소: 현재 분절화된 원조체계를 통합하며, 원조에 대한 국민들의 인식을 증진시키고, 3) 시장수요: 국별협력전략을 보다 강화하여 수원국의 수요와 현지상황에 적합한 원조 사업을 마련하는 동시에, 4) 관련분야: 국내외 원조 이해관계자(유관/협력기관)을 육성하고 효과적으로 연계함으로써 클러스터 효과를 통한 시너지효과를 이끌어낼 것을 제안하고 있다.-
dc.description.abstractAs Korea becomes a member of the OECD DAC (development assistance committee), the government has been trying to enhance the quantity as well as quality of its ODA. In line with this effort, there have been many researches and studies on Koreas ODA. However, many of the existing studies are still under controversy as to whether they have to pursue humanitarianism or national interests. This paper applies the theory of Creating Shared Value (CSV) and its updated studies in designing a smart strategy to achieve both ethics and economic success, which was initially introduced by Porter and Kramer and further developed by Moon. First, this study begins by reviewing two competing scholarly approaches to ODA and provides four types of ODA strategies by categorizing donor countries (National Interest-centered, Humanitarianism, Smart ODA, and Waste of Resource) in terms of donors interests and recipient benefits. Then, it provides four distinctive strategies to effectively and efficiently utilize a limited amount of ODA: defining core competence-
dc.description.abstractreconceiving comprehensive targets-
dc.description.abstractredefining productivity in the value chain-
dc.description.abstractand enabling local or global cluster development. The paper argues that Koreas ODA strategy needs a paradigm shift beyond the vicious cycle of controversy over the objectives of ODA between a selfish economic tool and unconditional international contribution of ODA.-
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction

2. Conflicting Perspective on Aid: Humanitarianism and National Interest
2.1. Humanitarianism
2.2. National interest
2.3. In reality, somewhere in between
2.4. Not in between, but look beyond

3. How to Reconcile Two Conflicting Concepts? CSV
3.1. Porter and Kramer (2011)s Creating Shared Value (CSV), benefits for all
3.2. Recent development of CSV, Moon (2011)s good to smart strategy

4. Categorization of ODA Strategy by Donor Country
4.1. The United States
4.2. Japan
4.3. China
4.4. Denmark, Norway and Sweden
4.5. Korea
4.6. Typology of ODA strategy by donor countries

5. Four Steps to CSV towards Koreas Smart ODA Strategy
5.1. Rivalry condition: defining core competence
5.2. Factor condition: redefining productivity in the value chain
5.3. Demand condition: reconceiving comprehensive targets
5.4. Supporting condition: enabling local or global cluster development

6. Conclusion

dc.format.extent2092101 bytes-
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.subjectand "smart ODA strategy"-
dc.subjectCreating Shared Value (CSV)-
dc.subjectOfficial Development Assistance (ODA)-
dc.subjectnational interest-
dc.titleKoreas Smart ODA Strategy beyond the Controversy between Humanitarianism and National Interest-
dc.title.alternative인도주의와 국익의 논쟁을 넘어서는 한국의 스마트 ODA 전략-
dc.contributor.AlternativeAuthorMyoung-Shin KIM-
dc.contributor.affiliation국제대학원 국제학과(국제통상전공)-
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