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A Simultaneous 22 GHz Water and 44/95 GHz Methanol Maser Survey toward Massive Star- forming Regions

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dc.description학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :자연과학대학 물리·천문학부,2016. 8. 박용선.-
dc.description.abstractThe 22 GHz \water~and 44 / 95 GHz \methanol~masers are predominantly associated with high-mass star formation and these signposts would allow us to do statistical studies of high-mass star-forming regions. These molecules are originated from the icy mantle of dust grain and released in shocks.
However we do not fully understand the role of those common masers in the process of massive star formation. The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the relationships of those masers with massive star-forming regions in a different evolutionary phase. We carried out simultaneous single-dish surveys of 22 GHz \water~and 44 and 95 GHz class I \methanol~maser transitions toward 782 massive star-forming regions.
Our samples consist of Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs), Red MSX Sources (RMSs), high-mass protostellar objects (HMPOs), Methanol Maser Sources (MMS) and ultra-compact HII regions (UCHIIs). The overall detection rates are 32\%, 51\%, 61\%, 96\% and 67\% for IRDCs, RMSs, HMPOs, MMSs, and UCHIIs, respectively. There is an increasing trend for each detection rate of 22 GHz and 44 GHz maser emission with evolution of the central objects from IRDCs to UCHIIs. In samples of RMSs, 138 sources are located in the Methanol Multibeam (MMB) survey area and 25\% of them are associated with 6.7~GHz class~II \methanol\ masers. We detected \water~maser of high-velocity ($>$ 30\kms) features in 99 of 386 \water~maser sources(26\%). We discovered nine sources of being dominant \water~maser outflow candidates from RMS samples.
Both of 44 and 95 GHz class I \methanol~masers have very similar properties in line parameters, which implies that they hold a common origin of the masing gas.
We examined the relationship between the maser luminosity and physical conditions
of parental clumps(cores) from ATLASGAL. There were significant ($\rho > 0.5$) correlations
between the maser luminosity and the bolometric luminosity and the clump mass for all three masers. For maser sources associated with \ammonia~data, we found a increasing trends in the lindwidth and kinetic temperature with the evolution of the central objects.
Using the L$_{\rm bol}$/M$_{\rm clump}$ ratio, we compared the distribution on each type of the central
objects. There is no robust difference in the distribution on the combinations with
threee maser species. Our investigation on the virial parameter against M$_{\rm clump}$ suggested that ATLASGAL
clumps with any maser emission are more gravitationally stable than those with no
maser emission in a wide range of clump mass. Like the L$_{\rm bol}$/M$_{\rm clump}$, L$_{\rm maser}$/L$_{\rm bol}$ appear to decrease as the cnetral objects evolve.
dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations 1
1.2 Star Formation 3
1.2.1 Low Mass Star Formation 4
1.2.2 High Mass Star Formation 9
1.3 Astronomical Masers 14
1.3.1 Radiative Transfer and Population Inversion 15
1.3.2 Water(H2O) Masers 19
1.3.3 Methanol(CH3OH) Masers 19
1.4 Aims and Outlines 22

Chapter 2 Simultaneous Surveys of Water and Class I Methanol Masers toward Red MSX Sources 27
2.1 Introduction 27
2.2 Source Selection and Observations 30
2.2.1 Source Selection 30
2.2.2 Observations 31
2.3 Result 33
2.3.1 Detection Statistics 33
2.3.2 New Detections 34
2.3.3 Maser Properties 35
2.3.4 Comments on Individual Sources of Interest 40
2.4 Analysis and Discussion 44
2.4.1 Masers and the Central Objests 44
2.4.2 Masers and the Parental Clumps 46
2.4.3 NH 3 Linewidth and Kinetic Temperature 49
2.4.4 The Virial Parameters 51
2.4.5 Maser Occurrence and Evolutionary Stage 52
2.5 Summary 54

Chapter 3 Simultaneous Surveys of Water and Class I Methanol Masers toward High-mass Young stellar Objects in Different Evolutionary Stages 123
3.1 Introduction 123
3.2 Sources and Observations 127
3.2.1 Sources 127
3.2.2 Observations 133
3.3 Results 134
3.3.1 Detection Statistics 134
3.3.2 Maser Line Properties 137
3.3.3 Individual Sources 140
3.4 Analysis and Discussion 141
3.4.1 Luminosity 141
3.4.2 Clump Mass 142
3.4.3 NH3 v(1,1) and Tk 145
3.4.4 Luminosity to Mass Ratio 147
3.4.5 Virial Mass 149
3.4.6 Evolutionary Sequence 151
3.5 Summary 153

Chapter 4 Summary and Future Work 276
4.1 Summary 276
4.2 Future work 279

초록 281
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.subjectinfrared, ISM; ISM, molecules; masers, ISM; stars, formation-
dc.titleA Simultaneous 22 GHz Water and 44/95 GHz Methanol Maser Survey toward Massive Star- forming Regions-
dc.contributor.department자연과학대학 물리·천문학부-
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