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서식지 적합성 모형을 이용한 백로류 서식지 보전 방안 -섬강유역을 대상으로- : Conservation Plan of Habitat of the Egretry Using Habitat Suitability Modeling -A Case study on Seom River Basin, Korea-

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dc.description학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 환경대학원 : 환경조경학과, 2012. 8. 박종화.-
dc.description.abstract백로류는 수생태계에 의존하고 생활하는 수환경 지표종으로서 개발에 의한 영향을 많이 받는 종이다. 이러한 환경적 중요성에도 불구하고,각종 개발과 하천정비사업이 백로류의 서식활동을 위협하고 있다. 매년 대규모 백로류 무리가 섬강유역에 도래해 둥지를 틀고 서식활동을 한다. 하지만 섬강의 하천정비계획 사업으로 향후 백로류의 취식활동이 위기에 처할 상황에 있다.
본 연구의 목적은 섬강유역에 서식하는 백로류의 취식지 이용을 파악을통하여 핵심 보전지를 도출하고 이에 대한 보전 방안을 세우는 것이다.
본 연구의 내용은 다음과 같다. 현장조사를 통해 압곡리 번식지, 입석리 번식지, 주산리 번식지에서 취식지로 이동방향 조사와 섬강과 섬강의 지류의 지류 논에서 백로류 출현 조사를 통해 취식지 이용 분석을 하였다. 그 결과 압곡리 번식지에 번식하는 백로류는 반경 2km 내 논에서 주로 취식을 하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 입석리 번식지에서 번식하는 백로류들은 섬강과 전천에서 주로 취식을 하는 것을 나타났다.
주산리 번식지에서 번식하는 백로류는 섬강과 원주천, 논 순으로 취식을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 백로류가 선호하는 취식 조건은 번식지로부터의 거리와 하천과 같은 넓은 취식지를 선호한다는 결과를 도출했다.
백로류의 취식에 영향을 미치는 영향인자를 구축하여 GIS 분석을 통해 대상지의 취식지 평가를 수행했다. 그 결과 0-12점의 분포를 나타냈고, 번식지와 가까운 논과 하천, 인간의 출현가능지역과 먼 구역이 가장 높은 점수를 나타냈다. 취식지 이용 분석과 GIS 분석 결과를 합쳐 핵심보전지역을 도출하였다.
취식지 보전방안을 수립하기 위해 핵심보전지역의 유형은 논과 하천으로 나누었다. 논에서 취식활동을 하는 백로류를 위해 주변 지역에 차폐와 횃대 설치, 먹이자원의 오염을 예방하기 위해 친환경 농업을 제안하였다. 핵심구역으로 도출된 구역이 하천정비사업으로 친수공간 조성 등으로 개발이 예정되어 있다. 이로 인한 서식지 훼손을 방지하기 위한 방안과 생태교육, 탐조활동 등 건전한 이용을 유도하기 방안을 제안하였다.
dc.description.abstractHerons are indicator species as relying on aquatic ecosystem and affected by development. Despite the environmental importance, river maintenance projects are threatening the herons. Large group of herons migrates to Seom river basin, nests in near mountains and inhabits in wide rage of Seom river area every year. However, the heron's foraging activity will be
faced on a crisis situation by Seom river maintenance projects.
The purpose of this study is deriving core protected area and establishing conservation plan through analyzing egrets' using of foraging that live in Seom river basin.
The contents of this study are as fellows. It executed an analysis of use in foraging through a survey of direction of movement from Apgokri,Ipseokri and Jusanri breeding places to foraging places and a survey of emergence of the herons in Seom river, tributary of Soem river and rice paddies As a result, it has been found that herons forage in rice paddies in radius of 2km from Apgokri herons breeding places. It has been shown that the herons inhabiting in Ipsukri breeding place forage mainly in Seom river and Jeon stream. It has been found that the herons inhabiting in Jusanri breeding place forage mainly in Seom river, Wonju stream and rice paddies. The results were drawn that egrets preferred close places from breeding places and wide area such as river.
Impact of egrets foraging by establishing factors affecting foraging area assessment of the site through GIS analysis was performed. Evaluation of foraging in study site was performed through GIS analysis by establishing affecting factors that impacts on foraging of the egrets. The results showed the distribution of 0 to 12 points. In addition it showed highest score in rice paddies and river near breeding sites and in the most distance area from possible human emergence place. Combined of analysis of foraging using and GIS analysis drew core conservation area.
Type of core areas were divided into the rice paddies and rivers to establish conservation plan for foraging area. It proposed to install shielding and perch in surrounding area and environment-friendly agriculture to prevent contamination of food resources for egrets foraging in paddies. Drawn into the core areas were scheduled a development for the waterfront improvement project as a river development project.
Therefore, it proposed plans to induce healthy use by preventing habitat damage, providing an ecological education and bird watching.
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론 ·························································································· 1
1.1 연구 배경 ······························································································· 1
1.2 연구 목적 ······························································································· 4
1.3 연구 범위 ······························································································· 5
1.3.1 내용적 범위 ······························································································ 5
1.3.2 공간적 범위 ······························································································ 6
1.4 연구 방법 및 과정 ················································································ 7
1.4.1 연구 방법 ·································································································· 7
1.4.2 연구 과정 ·································································································· 8
제2장 이론적 고찰 ············································································· 9
2.1 백로류 생태 및 서식지에 관한 연구 ················································· 9
2.1.1 백로류 생태 ······························································································ 9
2.1.2 백로류의 번식지 이용과 섭식방법 ······················································ 13
2.1.3 백로류 섭식지에 관한 연구 ································································· 17
2.2 조류 서식지 보전 사례 ······································································ 20
2.2.1 국내 ·········································································································· 20
2.2.2 국외 ·········································································································· 23
2.3 IUCN 보호지역 유형 및 관리목표 ·················································· 30
2.3.1 개념 ·········································································································· 30
2.3.2 IUCN 카테고리 ··················································································· 31
2.4 우리나라 보호지역 관리시스템 ························································· 34
2.4.1 보호지역 유형별 지정기준 ··································································· 34
2.4.2 보호지역 국가계획 ················································································· 37
2.5 서식지 적합성 평가 개요 ·································································· 42
2.6 핵심․완충․전이구역 개념 ····································································· 45
제3장 대상지 분석 ··········································································· 46
3.1 대상지 개요 ························································································· 46
3.1.1 횡성군 개요 ···························································································· 46
3.1.2 원주시 개요 ···························································································· 47
3.2 자연환경 분석 ····················································································· 48
3.2.1 섬강유역 분석 ························································································· 48
3.2.2 지형 ·········································································································· 50
3.2.3 기후․기온 ································································································· 51
3.2.4 수질 ·········································································································· 52
3.2.5 식물상 ······································································································ 54
3.2.6 동물상 ······································································································ 56
3.3 인문․사회환경분석 ············································································· 63
3.3.1 인구 ·········································································································· 63
3.3.2 토지이용 ································································································ 64
3.3.3 관련법규 및 계획 ··················································································· 66
3.4 자연·인문환경 종합분석 ····································································· 69
3.5 취식지 이용 현황 및 분석 ································································ 70
3.5.1 백로류의 번식지․취식지 이용 ······························································· 70
3.5.2 취식지 종합분석 ····················································································· 80
3.6 취식지 평가 ························································································· 81
3.6.1 백로류의 취식에 영향을 미치는 영향인자 ········································· 81
3.6.2 백로류 취식지 평가 ··············································································· 85
제4장 취식지 보전 방안 ································································· 87
4.1 보전구역 설정 ····················································································· 87
4.1.1 보전구역 설정 방법 ··············································································· 87
4.2 보전 및 관리 방안 ·············································································· 90
4.2.1 핵심구역 유형별 보전 및 관리 방안 ·················································· 90
제5장 결론 ······················································································ 100
참고문헌 ·························································································· 103
Abstract ··························································································· 110
dc.format.extent5409461 bytes-
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.subject서식지 평가-
dc.title서식지 적합성 모형을 이용한 백로류 서식지 보전 방안 -섬강유역을 대상으로--
dc.title.alternativeConservation Plan of Habitat of the Egretry Using Habitat Suitability Modeling -A Case study on Seom River Basin, Korea--
dc.contributor.AlternativeAuthorPark, Ji Yeon-
dc.contributor.affiliation환경대학원 환경조경학과-
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