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Youth Development through Sport
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- 사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공
- Issue Date
- 2018-08
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 대학원
- Description
- 학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공, 2018. 8. 임충훈.
- Abstract
- A good sport policy can change the total sport structure of a country. Now a days development through sport is a raise voice in everywhere. A country can raise there image through sport to the world arena. For the development of total sport sector and structure, a strong policy can make vital role for a country. Bangladesh has a sport policy-1998. The sport policy has specific eleven objective for the development of sport sector of the country. All the objective of sport policy-1998 mainly based on sport development through sport structural development, federations activities, sport in educational institutions, appreciation to more women participation in sport, special care for disable athletes, sport in all age level, to make strong sport plan and efficient sport management etc. Bangladesh has huge amount of population almost 160 million and eight largest populated country of the world. Among total population one-third are the youth in the country. To proper take care of these large youth population country can make development strategy. Sport sector can be a strong tool for the development of that youth society. For doing this, sport policy should emphasis on the youth development and should fix up the sport strategy based on the more youth participation. In Bangladesh, any policy for government formulated by bureaucrats and then approved by cabinets. For this reasons, the interview questions are send to government officials as response and information collected for research purpose. Ten high government officials chosen as response who has the experience to work with the policy formulation. Most of the answer from the response was almost same except some particular issue. The response on the issue with budget allocation, sport and education system, federations management system, talent hunt program was same. On the other hand, establish of new sport university, participation in international sport completions produce different opinion. However, at the end it is clear that sport policy can be strong tool for youth development if it is possible to link the sport, youth and education policy and implement these together. Following the depth analysis, this study found that sport policy could be a strong tool to youth development for a developing country especially like Bangladesh that has a large number of youth population. The conclusion can also be drawn that Bangladesh should reform the sport policy-1998 with emphasis the issue of youth development.
Keywords: Sport policy, Youth development, Impact of policy, Development through sport.
- Language
- English
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