Detailed Information
Epigenetic control of juvenile-to-adult phase transition by the Arabidopsis SAGA-like complex
Cited 37 time in
Web of Science
Cited 39 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2015-08
- Publisher
- Blackwell Publishing Inc.
- Citation
- Plant Journal, Vol.83 No.3, pp.537-545
- Abstract
- During growth and development, plants undergo a series of phase transitions from the juvenile-to-adult vegetative phase to the reproductive phase. In Arabidopsis, vegetative phase transitions and flowering are regulated by SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) factors. SPL mRNAs are post-transcriptionally regulated by miR156 in an age-dependent manner; however, the role of other mechanisms in this process is not known. In this study, we demonstrate that the HAG1/GCN5- and PRZ1/ADA2b-containing SAGA-like histone acetyltransferase (HAT) complex directly controls the transcription of SPLs and determines the time for juvenile-to-adult phase transition. Thus, epigenetic control by the SAGA-like HAT complex determines the transcriptional output of SPLs, which might be a prerequisite for the subsequent post-transcriptional regulation by miR156. Importantly, this epigenetic control mechanism is also crucial for miR156-independent induction of SPLs and acceleration of phase transition by light and photoperiod or during post-embryonic growth.
- 0960-7412
- Language
- English
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