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A population-based outcomes study of patients with metastatic gastric cancer receiving second-line chemotherapy: A nationwide health insurance database study

Cited 8 time in Web of Science Cited 7 time in Scopus

Choi, In Sil; Kim, Jee Hyun; Lee, Ju Hyun; Suh, Koung Jin; Lee, Ji Yun; Kim, Ji-Won; Kim, Se-Hyun; Kim, Jin Won; Lee, Jeong-Ok; Kim, Yu Jung; Bang, Soo-Mee; Lee, Jong Seok; Lee, Keun-Wook

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Public Library of Science
PLoS ONE, Vol.13 No.10, p. e0205853
Purpose The survival benefit of second-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic gastric cancer (MGC) has recently been established. We conducted a nationwide population-based outcomes study of patients with MGC receiving second-line chemotherapy to better understand real-world treatment patterns and outcomes. Materials and methods Data were collected from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service database. We identified 509 newly diagnosed patients with MGC in 2010 who received second-line chemotherapy. These patients were divided into three groups for analyses: Group A comprised all patients who received second-line chemotherapy (N = 509); Group B comprised those who received fluoropyrimidine (Fp) plus platinum as first-line treatment, followed by irinotecan-based or taxane-based regimens as second-line chemotherapy (N = 284); and Group C comprised those who received Fp plus cisplatin as first-line treatment, followed by 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)/oxaliplatin, irinotecan-based, or taxane-based regimens as secondline chemotherapy (N = 184). Results Among patients who received first-line chemotherapy, 47.2% (509/1,078) continued to receive second-line chemotherapy. The most commonly used second-line chemotherapy regimens were 5-FU/irinotecan, 5-FU/oxaliplatin, and docetaxel. The median overall survival (OS) of all 509 patients was 5.2 months. The time from the start date of first-line chemotherapy to the start date of second-line chemotherapy > 6.1 months was an independent prognostic factor for improved OS. The type of chemotherapy regimen was not a significant factor affecting OS. Conclusion The findings provide a better understanding of second-line treatment patterns and outcomes in patients with MGC and will help guide treatment decisions in real-world clinical practice.
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