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Effects of host type and light intensity on the growth of Aristolochia contorta : 지지 유형 및 광도가 쥐방울덩굴의 생장에 미치는 영향

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dc.description학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사범대학 과학교육과(생물전공), 2019. 2. 김재근.-
dc.description.abstractAristolochia contorta is a perennial vine with a narrow distribution range. It is the only host plant for Sericinus montela (the dragon swallowtail), a vulnerable species in Korea. To better understand the optimal habitat characteristics of A. contorta, field survey and mesocosm experiment were conducted. First, a total of 86 quadrates in ten sites were surveyed in Korea. The optimal range of distribution (ORD) of A. contorta habitat were clarified except for host height, host diameter, relative light intensity, or pH because there were wide ranges of these factors according to various host types such as herb, shrub, tree, and artificial support. Detrended correspondence analysis also showed that the host type had the greatest influence on the settlement and growth characteristics of A. contorta. It showed the highest growth in coverage (44.4%) and number of leaves (526.7 m-2) when it is on artificial support while it had the highest growth in stem length (162.8 cm) and leaf size (46.6 cm2) when it was on a tree host. Therefore, these results show that A. contorta were planted in high initial density and the relative light intensity was too high in an artificially constructed restoration area. Optimal growth of A. contorta seem to need appropriate light (about 50%) and physical support such as tree host.
Based on the first survey result, second, I examined the effects of support and shade on morphological and reproductive traits on the growth of A. contorta. I applied factorial treatments of two light conditions of relative light intensity 100% (RLI100) and 50% (RLI50) and two support conditions (with-support and without-support). I measured morphological and reproductive traits (ramets in each pot, number of branches, number of leaves, single leaf area, total leaf area, the length of internode and petiole, stem length, number of flowers, number of root buds, the dry mass of each component (stem, leaf, root)) in four conditions. RLI50 with support group has largest single leaf area, longest stem, internode, and petiole length, and greatest dry mass of root and total plant. Also, inflorescence could only be found in the RLI50 with support group. These results suggest that Aristolochia contorta has shade tolerance. In order to improve the growth of A. contorta in artificial habitat, it is necessary to provide a proper shade and install a physical support. My results can be useful to provide optimal habitat for A. contorta, which is only food of Sericinus montela larvae, a vulnerable butterfly species.
dc.description.abstract쥐방울덩굴(Aristolochia contorta Bunge)은 다년생 덩굴성 식물로 취약종인 꼬리명주나비 (Sericinus montela)의 유일한 먹이원이다. 쥐방울덩굴의 최적 생육 환경을 파악하기 위하여 현장 조사와 메조코즘 실험을 수행하였다. 첫째로, 쥐방울덩굴의 최적 서식지 특성을 평가하기 위해 국내 10곳에서 총 86개의 방형구를 조사하였다. 서식지의 토양 특성, 지지 유형의 종류, 상대적인 빛의 세기 등의 환경요인과 쥐방울덩굴의 생장 특성을 조사하였다. 지지 유형은 초본, 관목, 교목, 인공 구조물로 분류되었다. 쥐방울덩굴 서식지의 최적 환경 요인 범위(ORD)는 강변과의 거리가 10 ~ 32m, 도로변과의 거리가 0.0 ~ 3.8m, 토양 전기전도도가 18.87 ~ 82.15μS cm-1, 모래 함량이 21.0 ~ 75.0%, 클레이 함량이 0 ~ 12.5%, 실트 함량이 22.5 ~ 72.0%이었다. 토양 NO3-N 함량의 최적 환경 요인 범위는 0.00 ~ 35.76 mg kg-1, NH4-N 함량은 0.00 ~ 4.40 mg kg-1, PO4-P 는 0.63 ~ 22.70 mg이다. 토양 Ca2+ 함량은 350.0 ~ 1,023.0 mg kg-1, Na+ 함량은 0.27 ~ 21.70 mg kg-1, K+ 함량은 178.0 ~ 289.0 mg kg-1, Mg2 + 함량은 27.90 ~ 131.3 mg kg -1, 토양 수분 함량은 1.25 ~ 14.50 %이었다. 탈경향대응분석(Detrended correspondence analysis)은 지지대 유형이 쥐방울덩굴의 정착 및 생장 특성에 가장 큰 영향을 미친다는 것을 보여주었다. 인공구조물 방형구에서는 상대 피도(44.4 %)와 잎 수 (526.7 m-2)가 가장 높은 반면 교목 지지대 방형구에서는 줄기 길이 (162.8 cm)와 잎 크기 (46.6 cm2)가 가장 높았다. 쥐방울덩굴의 최적 생장에는 적절한 빛 (약 47.5%)과 물리적인 지지대가 필요한 것으로 파악되었다.
첫 번째 조사 결과를 바탕으로 쥐방울덩굴의 생장 형태 및 생식 형질에 대한 지지대와 그늘의 영향을 메조코즘 실험을 통하여 알아보았다. 상대 광도 100% (RLI100)와 50% (RLI50)의 두 가지 빛 조건과 지지대 유무 조건의 4가지 실험처치 하에서 형태 및 생식 특성 (라메트 수, 가지 수, 단일 잎 면적, 전체 잎 면적, 절간과 잎자루의 길이, 줄기 길이, 꽃 수, 뿌리싹의 수, 각 부위의 건중량(줄기, 잎, 뿌리)을 측정했다. RLI50의 지지대가 있는 조건은 가장 큰 단일 잎 면적, 가장 긴 줄기, 절간 길이, 잎 자루 길이, 가장 큰 총 건중량과 줄기 건중량을 가졌다. 또한 개화는 이 조건(RLI50/지지대 있음)에서만 이루어졌다. 이러한 결과는 쥐방울덩굴이 그늘에 내성을 가지고 있음을 시사한다. 인공 서식지에서 쥐방울덩굴의 생장을 개선하기 위해서는 적절한 그늘을 제공하고 물리적인 지지를 제공할 필요가 있다. 이 연구 결과는 취약종인 꼬리명주나비 애벌레의 먹이원인 쥐방울덩굴의 최적의 서식지를 조성하는 데 유용한 데이터를 제공 할 수 있을 것이다.
1. Introduction 1
2. Methods 6
2.1 Field survey 6
2.2 Mesocosm experiment 11
3. Results 14
3.1 Field survey 14
3.2 Mesocosm experiment 31
4. Discussion 41
4.1 Field survey 41
4.2 Mesocosm experiment 48
5. Conclusion 54
References 56
국문 초록 75

Contents of Tables

Table 1. Location and type of study sites 9
Table 2. Range of environmental variables at 86 quadrats where A. contorta occurred 18
Table 3. Host types of A. contorta 20
Table 4. Summary statistics of DCA for A. contorta and environmental variables 23
Table 6 Two-way ANOVA on traits of the twining vine A. contorta (F ratios are shown). Two treatments were light (RLI100 and RLI50) and support (with support and without support). df = 1, 59 for traits. Significant effects are shown in boldface (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001). 35
Table 7 Comparative morphological characteristic of whole plant traits and biomass allocation in with support and without support of A. contorta. The slope (m) of the change in plant traits and biomass allocation with shading is shown (RLI100 → RLI50). Significant P values indicate that slope lines are different, therefore, plasticity of organs differs within the given support treatment. (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001). When the ratio of the m value of with-support to the m value of without-support is indicated, the rank is in the order of distance from the number of 1. 39
Contents of Figures

Fig. 1. Study sites (filled circles) of A. contorta in South Korea. DJ: Dukjin, Jeonju
dc.description.tableofcontentsDU: Daun, Ulsan-
dc.description.tableofcontentsGC: Gangcheon, Yeoju-
dc.description.tableofcontentsJW: Jinwee, Pyeongtaek-
dc.description.tableofcontentsMA: Manan, Anyang-
dc.description.tableofcontentsNG: Namgae, Yeoncheon-
dc.description.tableofcontentsPC: Pyungchon, Chungju-
dc.description.tableofcontentsSA: Seorak, Gapyeong-
dc.description.tableofcontentsSN: Samnak, Busan-
dc.description.tableofcontentsYU: Yeouido, Seoul. 8
Fig. 2. Distribution of A. contorta according to environments variables. (a) Distance from river, (b) Height from river, (c) Distance from road, (d) Relative light intensity, (e) Distribution direction, (f) pH, (g) Conductivity, (h) Ca2+, (i) Na+, (j) K+, (k) Mg2+, (l) Soil moisture content, (m) Soil organic matter, (n) NO3-N, (o) NH4-N, (p) PO4-P, (q) Sand content, (r) Clay content, (s) Silt content, (t) Host height, (u) Host diameter. Circles on the line represent sample distribution (quadrat locations) on the gradient of corresponding environmental factors. Box on the line shows optimal range for distribution of each corresponding environmental variable. 16
Fig. 3. Direction and distribution of A. contorta around the host in 86 quadrats. 17
Fig. 4. Diagram of Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of A. contorta and environmental variables. Distribution of quadrat plots according to environmental variables. The 95% confidence dotted curve area indicates grouped vegetation (HH = herbal host, SH = shrub host, TH = tree host, AH = artificial host). 22
Fig. 5. Growth characteristics of A. contorta with different host types. (a) Relative coverage, (b) Stem length, (c) Internode length, (d) Leaf number per quadrat, (e) Average single leaf size, (f) Total leaf area per quadrat. Numbers of quadrats were: HH = 39, SH = 18, TH = 20, AH = 9. Letter on the graph means significant difference at 5% level based on Duncan test. Bars indicate standard error. 28
Fig. 6. Reproductive traits of A. contorta with different host types. (a) Flower number per quadrat, (b) Mature seed number per fruit, (c) Single seed mass, (d) Seed surface area, (e) Endosperm surface area, (f) Proportion of wing area. Numbers of quadrats were: HH = 39, SH = 18, TH = 20, AH = 9. Letter on the graph means significant difference at 5% level based on Duncan test. Bars indicate standard error. 30
Fig. 7. Variations of morphological traits and biomass allocation between light treatments. (a) Number of ramets, (b) Number of branches, (c) Number of leaves, (d) Single leaf area, (e) Total leaf area, (f) Internode length, (g) Petiole length, (h) Stem length, (i) Number of flowers, (j) Number of root buds, (k) Total dry mass, (l) Dry mass of stem, (m) Dry mass of leaves, (n) Dry mass of root. Significant P values indicate that traits under two conditions are different. NS = non-significant. 32
Fig. 8. Variations of morphological traits and biomass allocation between support treatments. (a) Number of ramets, (b) Number of branches, (c) Number of leaves, (d) Single leaf area, (e) Total leaf area, (f) Internode length, (g) Petiole length, (h) Stem length, (i) Number of flowers, (j) Number of root buds, (k) Total dry mass, (l) Dry mass of stem, (m) Dry mass of leaves, (n) Dry mass of root. Significant P values indicate that traits under two treatments are different. NS = nonsignificant, supp.=support. 34
Fig. 9. Variations of morphological traits and biomass allocation among treatments. (a) Number of ramets, (b) Number of branches, (c) Number of leaves, (d) Single leaf area, (e) Total leaf area, (f) Internode length, (g) Petiole length, (h) Stem length, (i) Number of flowers, (j) Number of root buds, (k) Total dry mass, (l) Dry mass of stem, (m) Dry mass of leaves, (n) Dry mass of root. Lower case alphabets on graph represent statistically different groups by Scheffé test (< 0.05 level). 38
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.titleEffects of host type and light intensity on the growth of Aristolochia contorta-
dc.title.alternative지지 유형 및 광도가 쥐방울덩굴의 생장에 미치는 영향-
dc.contributor.affiliation사범대학 과학교육과(생물전공)-
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