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공공기관 종사자의 임금피크제 인식수준이 조직효과성에 미치는 영향
G공단의 직급별 비교를 중심으로

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dc.description학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :행정대학원 공기업정책학과,2019. 8. 권혁주.-
dc.description.abstract본 연구는 고령시대에 부합하는 인사제도의 대안으로 공공기관에 도입된 임금피크제에 대한 조직구성원의 인식수준이 조직효과성에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 했다. 임금피크제 관련 선행연구가 주로 민간기업을 대상으로 하였는데 본 연구는 상대적으로 위계문화가 강한 공공조직에서 임금피크제가 정부의 제도도입 목적에 부합하게 조직효과성 향상에 긍정적 영향을 미치는지 실증적으로 검증하고 제도운영의 합리성을 높일 수 있는 시사점을 찾아보고자 했다.
기금관리형 준정부기관인 G공단 직원을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하고 가설을 검증하였는데 임금피크제 이해도는 조직몰입에, 만족도 인식수준은 직무만족과 조직몰입 모두에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었으며, 직급의 조절효과 분석에서는 최상위직급에서 임금피크제 적정성 인식이 높을수록 직무만족이 유의미하게 감소하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
이러한 연구결과는 공공부문의 임금피크제가 정부정책에 의해 일괄적으로 도입되었음에도 제도에 대한 이해도과만족도가 조직몰입 등에 긍정적 영향을 미치므로 제도 도입의 필요성 인식 확산, 적합 직무개발, 제도적용 지원에 대한 체계적 관리 등을 통해 조직성과 향상이 가능함을 시사한다.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of public workers recognition level on the organizational effectiveness of the wage peak system introduced in public sector as an alternative personnel system for an aged society. In addition, it was also intended to analyze empirically the effect that there would be differences in organizational effectiveness depending on position level,considering the characteristics of public organizations with stronger hierarchical culture compared to private companies.
For the study, a survey of all employees of the Government Employees Pension Service(GEPS) was conducted and verified the hypothesis based on the results of 216 respondents.
The analysis results shows that level of understanding of the wage peak system affects the organization commitment, and the level of satisfaction recognition has positive effects on both job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
The wage peak system in the public sector is introduced by government policies and has a fundamental weakness in that it does not reflect the characteristics of individual organizations. Nevertheless, the results of this study show that understanding and satisfaction of the wage peak system has a positive effect on the organizational commitment. Therefore, it is possible to improve the organizational performance through efforts such as the purpose and necessity of introducing the wage peak system, performance evaluation and adequacy of compensation.
dc.description.tableofcontents제 1 장 서 론 ····························································· 1
제 1 절 연구목적 및 필요성 ··············································· 1
제 2 절 연구의 대상과 방법················································· 4
제 2 장 이론적 논의와 선행연구 ···························· 5
제 1 절 임금피크제 ······························································· 5
1. 이론적 논의··········································································· 5
2. 임금피크제 개요 ··································································· 8
3. 선행연구················································································· 11
제 2 절 조직효과성 ······························································· 14
1. 이론적 논의··········································································· 14
2. 선행연구················································································· 18
제 3 절 선행연구 시사점····················································· 21
제 3 장 연구설계 및 연구방법 ································ 22
제 1 절 분석의 틀 및 가설설정········································· 22
제 2 절 변수의 조작적 정의 ··············································· 26
제 3 절 자료수집 및 분석방법 ··········································· 29
제 4 장 실증분석 결과 ············································ 31
제 1 절 분석대상자의 인구통계학적 특성 ····················· 31
제 2 절 측정도구의 타당성 및 신뢰도 분석 ················· 33
제 3 절 기술통계분석 ························································· 37
1. 연령에 따른 변수의 차이 검증 ········································· 38
2. 성별에 따른 변수의 차이 검증 ········································· 39
3. 직급에 따른 변수의 차이 검증 ········································· 40
4. 학력에 따른 변수의 차이 검증 ········································· 41
5. 수행직무에 따른 변수의 차이 검증 ································· 42
6. 근무지역에 따른 변수의 차이 검증 ································· 43
7. 근무부서에 따른 변수의 차이 검증 ································· 44
제 4 절 상관관계 분석 ······················································· 47
제 5 절 가설검증 ································································· 48
1. 임금피크제 인식수준이 직무만족에 미치는 영향 ········· 48
2. 임금피크제 인식수준이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 ········· 51
3. 조절효과(직급) 분석 ···························································· 53
제 5 장 결 론 ····························································· 62
제 1 절 연구결과의 요약 ··················································· 62
제 2 절 연구의 시사점 및 한계 ······································· 64
참고문헌 ········································································ 67
설문문항 ········································································ 71
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.title공공기관 종사자의 임금피크제 인식수준이 조직효과성에 미치는 영향-
dc.contributor.department행정대학원 공기업정책학과-
dc.title.subtitleG공단의 직급별 비교를 중심으로-
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