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기업성장단계에 따른 신용보증 지원성과 분석

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dc.description학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :행정대학원 공기업정책학과,2019. 8. 금현섭.-
dc.description.abstractSince its inception, companies have continued to grow and decline in accordance with internal circumstances and changes in the external environment. The characteristics and circumstances of these companies can be categorized as business growth stages, and policy support is expected to have a different effect depending on the stage of business growth. Considering these facts, the government has differentiated its policy financing methods, including credit guarantees from 2014 and appears to focus its policy support capacity on start-ups and other companies in the growth phase, while reducing policy support for other companies. To support this, many studies show that policy financing is effective for start-ups, but there are not many studies that cover the entire corporate life cycle such as mature companies. The purpose of this study is to test hypotheses
about the effect of support by business groups under the consciousness of these problems. In addition, policy implications were drawn on the direction of how much companies should be supported.
For this purpose, this study compares the business performance that divides the life cycle of the company and compares the financial ratios such as growth potential, profitability, and stability with the employment creation effect. Afterwards, the effects of the guarantee support before and after the guarantee support of the credit guarantee fund, the largest credit guarantee institution in Korea, were analyzed using the panel model - a fixed effect model, a probability effect model, and the Pooled OLS model. The independent variables are analyzed by a pile of guarantees. The analysis year is analyzed for 8 years from 2010 to 2017, with a total of 92,719 analyzed samples and 31,931 companies. Through this analysis, we conducted a wide range
of analysis on various industries and financial figures over a long period of time. The companys growth stage was classified into the introduction period(less than 3 years), the takeoff period(4∼7 years), the growth period(8∼15 years) and the maturation period(more than 15 years).
According to the analysis, the sales increase rate recorded positive(+) figures in the introductory and mature enterprise, but negative (-)figures in the takeoff were found to show the actual 'death-valley' phenomenon. The growth rate of total assets is decreasing with the increase of the business, which means that the smaller the firm, the smaller the asset size and the higher the growth rate due to the guarantee support. In the case of profitability, ROA is positive for start-up companies. However, other companies have all recorded negative figures, showing mixed results with the growth. The net sales to sales ratio is not significant. The debt-to-equity ratio shows a general increase in accordance with the effect of the guarantee support, but the increase continues to decrease as the work force passes, apparently due mainly to the use of borrowing to enhance
equity capital. On the other hand, employment performance is all significant except for companies with 4 to 7 years of experience. In particular, the employment of a company with a workforce of 15 years or more is remarkable, which can be inferred as the effect of receiving employment assistance funds or the reason for the concentration of warranty support in companies with high employment figures. Especially, most of the start-up companies with less than 3 years of experience showed a positive figure. This means that the efficiency of support for these companies is high, and the support direction of the policy authorities is also in the right direction. The following policy implications are presented.
First, there is a need to further extend support to start-ups, mainly for long-term funds. Second, as job creation has been active throughout the entire period, it is necessary to actively promote the ability of a new job support organization. Third, as the profitability and stability of credit guarantee beneficiaries are lower than growth potential, it is necessary to induce improvement of these figures. Fourth, it is necessary to extend support to low-credit companies as low-credit companies have better financial performance. Finally, the arrangement would be necessary for long-term use entities whose guarantee support is not directly linked to financial performance.
dc.description.abstract기업은 창업 이후부터 내부 상황 및 외부 환경변화에 따라 성장과 쇠퇴를 거듭한다. 이러한 기업의 특성이나 상황은 기업성장단계로 분류될 수 있으며 정책지원 또한 기업성장단계에 따라 상이한 효과를 보일 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 이러한 점을 감안하여 정부에서는 2014년부터 기업 성장단계별로 신용보증 등 정책금융 지원방식을 차별화하고 있으며, 창업기와 성장기 기업에는 정책적 지원 역량을 집중하고 그 외의 기업에는 정책지원을 축소하는 모습을 보이고 있다. 이를 뒷받침하기 위해 창업기업에 대한 정책금융 지원 효과가 크다는 연구는 많으나 성숙기 기업 등 기업수명주기 전체를 아우르는 연구는 많지 않다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제의식하에 기업군에 따른 지원 효과가 서로 다른지에 대해 가설검증하고자 한다. 이와 더불어, 어떠한 기업을 얼마나 지원해야 하는지에 관한 방향성을 정책적 시사점으로 도출하였다.
이를 위해 본 연구에서는 기업수명주기를 구분하는 업력을 산정하고, 성장성, 수익성, 안정성 등 재무비율과 고용창출효과를 비교 분석하였다. 그후 고정효과모형, 확률효과모형과 Pooled OLS 기법 등을 사용하여 국내 최대 규모의 신용보증기관인 신용보증기금의 보증지원 전후 보증지원 효과를 패널모형으로 분석하였다. 독립변수는 보증여부 더미로 놓고 분석하였으며 분석연도는 2010∼2017년의 8개 연도, 분석표본은 총 92,719개, 분석대상 기업의 수는 31,931개로 놓고 분석하였다. 이를 통해 장시간에 걸쳐 다양한 업종과 재무수치에 대해 폭넓은 분석을 실시하였다.기업성장단계는 도입기(업력 3년 이하), 도약기(업력 4∼7년), 성장기(업력 8∼15년), 성숙기(업력 15년 이상)로 분류하였다.
분석 결과, 매출액증가율은 도입기, 성숙기 기업에서 양(+)의 수치를 기록했지만, 도약기에서는 음(-)의 수치를 기록하여, 실제 데스밸리 현상이 나타나는 것으로 파악되었다. 총자산증가율은 업력이 커질수록 감소하고 있는 모습을 보이는데, 이는 업력이 짧은 기업일수록 자산 규모가 적고 이에 따라 보증지원에 따른 증가율이 상대적으로 높게 나타난 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 수익성의 경우 총자산순이익률(ROA)은 창업기업에서 양(+)의 수치를 기록하고 있다. 그러나 그 외의 기업에서는 모두 음(-)의 수치를 기록하고 있어 성장성과 서로 결과가 엇갈리는 모습을 보여주고 있다. 매출액순이익률은 모두 유의하지 않은 결과가 확인되었다. 부채비율은 보증지원의 효과에 따라 대체로 증가하는 모습을 보여주고 있으나 업력이 지날수록 증가폭은 지속적으로 감소하고 있는데 이는 차입금을 주로 자기자본 제고에 쓰고 있기 때문으로 보인다. 한편, 고용성과는 업력 4∼7년의 기업을 제외하고 모두 유의한 성과를 보인다. 특히, 업력 15년 이상의 성숙기 기업의 고용성과 개선이 두드러지는 모습을 보이는데, 이는 고용지원 자금 수령의 효과 혹은 고용 수치가 높은기업에 보증지원이 집중된 이유로 추측할 수 있다.
특히 업력 3년 이하의 창업기업에서 대부분의 수치가 긍정적인 모습을보였다. 이는 이들 기업에 대한 지원 효율성이 높음을 의미하며, 정책당국의 지원방향 또한 올바른 방향으로 이루어지고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 이에 다음과 같은 정책적 시사점을 제시한다.
첫째, 창업기업에 대한 지원을 장기자금 위주로 더 확대할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 전 구간에 걸쳐 고용창출이 활발히 일어난 만큼, 일자리 지원 기관으로써 신보의 능력을 적극적으로 홍보할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 신용보증 수혜기업들의 수익성과 안정성이 성장성에 비해 낮게 나온 만큼, 이들 수치의 개선을 유도할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 신용등급이 낮은 기업이 오히려 재무개선성과가 좋은 만큼, 저신용기업에 대한 지원 확대도 필요하다. 마지막으로 보증지원이 재무성과와 직접 연결되지 않는 장기이용기업에 관한 정비가 필요하다고 하겠다.
dc.description.tableofcontents제 1 장 서 론 ····················································································· 1
제 1 절 연구의 목적 및 필요성 ·················································· 1
제 2 절 연구의 대상과 방법 ························································ 3
제 2 장 이론적 논의와 선행연구 검토 ··········································· 5
제 1 절 정책금융 ············································································· 5
제 2 절 신용보증 ············································································· 9
제 3 절 선행연구 검토 ·································································· 10
1. 선행연구 개요 ········································································· 10
2. 신용보증 성과평가 방법론 ··················································· 11
1) 부가가치 창출 기여도 ····················································· 11
2) 성향점수매칭기법을 이용한 처리효과 모형 ··············· 12
3) 이중차분(DID) 모형 ························································ 14
4) 고정효과 모형 ··································································· 15
3. 신용보증 지원에 따른 성과분석 결과 ······························· 16
1) 신용보증 ············································································· 16
2) 고용창출효과 ····································································· 17
제 4 절 본 연구의 의의 ································································ 18
제 3 장 연구모형과 분석 방법 ························································· 20
제 1 절 연구절차 ············································································· 20
제 2 절 분석방법론 ········································································ 21
1. 기업성장단계 측정 ································································· 21
2. 고정효과모형과 확률효과모형 ··········································· 22
제 3 절 연구문제 ············································································· 23
제 4 절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 연구가설 ······························· 24
1. 변수의 정의 ············································································· 24
1) 독립변수·조절변수 ························································· 24
2) 종속변수 ············································································· 25
3) 통제변수 ············································································· 26
2. 연구 가설 설정 ······································································· 28
제 5 절 연구의 분석틀과 모형 ···················································· 30
제 4 장 실증분석 결과 ········································································ 32
제 1 절 분석대상자료 및 기술통계 ··········································· 32
1. 분석대상 및 표본 구성 ························································· 32
2. 기술통계량 ··············································································· 32
3. 분석결과 ··················································································· 35
제 2 절 통계분석 결과 ·································································· 36
1. 성장성 ······················································································· 36
1) 매출액증가율 ····································································· 36
2) 총자산증가율 ····································································· 38
2. 수익성 ······················································································· 40
1) 총자산순이익률(ROA) ····················································· 40
2) 매출액순이익률(ROS) ····················································· 42
3. 안정성 ······················································································· 44
1) 부채비율 ············································································· 44
4. 고용창출 ··················································································· 46
5. 모형의 선택 ············································································· 47
제 5 장 결 론 ······················································································· 49
제 1 절 연구내용 요약 ·································································· 49
1. 분석모형 ··················································································· 49
2. 분석결과 ··················································································· 50
제 2 절 정책적 시사점 ·································································· 55
제 3 절 연구의 한계 및 향후 과제 ··········································· 57
참고문헌 ···································································································· 59
부 록 ···································································································· 63
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.title기업성장단계에 따른 신용보증 지원성과 분석-
dc.contributor.department행정대학원 공기업정책학과-
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