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On rational Eisenstein primes and the rational cuspidal groups of modular Jacobian varieties
Cited 6 time in
Web of Science
Cited 7 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2019-08
- Publisher
- American Mathematical Society
- Citation
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.372 No.4, pp.2429-2466
- Abstract
- Let N be a non-squarefree positive integer and let l be an odd prime such that l(2) does not divide N. Consider the Hecke ring T(N) of weight 2 for Gamma(0)(N) and its rational Eisenstein primes of T(N) containing l. If m is such a rational Eisenstein prime, then we prove that m is of the form (l, I-M,N(D)), where we also define the ideal I-M,N(D) of T(N). Furthermore, we prove that C(N)[m] not equal 0, where C(N) is the rational cuspidal group of J(0)(N). To do this, we compute the precise order of the cuspidal divisor C-M,N(D) and the index of I-M,N(D) in T(N) circle times Z(l).
- 0002-9947
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