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Arming South Korea : 한국의 동맹안주적 무기획득패턴 연구: 제한적 미사일방어망과 정보감시정찰체계 획득을 중심으로
Restrained Arms Acquisition in Ballistic Missile Defense and Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Capabilities

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dc.description학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :국제대학원 국제학과(국제협력전공),2020. 2. 박철희.-
dc.description.abstract북한은 탈냉전기 이래 핵과 미사일이라는 비대칭 전력의 개발을 통해 사실상의 핵보유국으로 자리잡게 되었다. 미국의 주요 동맹국들은 비대칭 위협에 대한 재래식 억제·방어전략으로 위협을 사전에 탐지·예방(prevent)·선제(preempt)·요격(intercept) 할 수 있는 미사일방어망 (Ballistic Missile Defense, BMD)과 정보감시정찰체계 (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, ISR) 분야의 무기획득에 적극적인데 반해 한국은 이 두 분야에 대한 자체전력증강에는 제한적이고 미국과의 동맹관계로부터 제공되는 핵우산(nuclear umbrella)과 같은 미국의 확장억제전략 (extended nuclear deterrence)과 주한미군에 배치된 미국의 첨단자산에 의존하는 양상을 나타내고 있다. 북한의 비대칭 전력증강에도 불구하고 한국이 미사일방어망과 정보감시정찰체계에 보다 동맹의존적인 이유는 무엇인가?
기존의 선행연구들은 한미동맹의 특수성에 입각하여 한국의 동맹의존적 무기획득, 제한적 자체전력증강을 한국에 주둔하고 있는 미국의 전력, 한미연합방위체제(ROK-US Combined Defense System) 등에 대한 합리적, 구조적, 제도와 같은 경로의존적인 현상이라고 본다. 하지만 본 논문은 이러한 결정론적이고 한국의 사례에 국한된 분석은 한국이 북한이라는 비대칭 위협에도 불구하고 유사한 안보환경 및 동맹관계에 놓인 다른 미국의 주요 동맹국들보다 제한적인 전략증강양상을 설명하기에는 불충분하다고 판단한다. 특히 이스라엘과 대만과 같은 미국의 동맹국들은 한국보다 현저히 낮은 국방비와 무기의 구입·개발과 관련된 방위력개선비에도 불구하고 한국보다 적극적인 자체 미사일방어망과 정보감시정찰체계를 확보하였다. 동아시아내 미국의 주요 우방국인 일본은 한국 보다 최첨단의 미국의 전략자산을 배치하고 있음에도 불구하고 미국이 제공하는 핵우산과 주일미군의 첨단자산에 '유용한 중복자산(useful redundancy)'이라고 불릴 정도의 미사일방어망과 정보감시정찰체계에 대한 자체전력을 확보하였다. 한국의 국방비는 1990년대부터 2019년 현재까지 최소 3배까지 증가해왔고, 2018년에는 세계 국방비 지출 상위 10위를 기록하면서 미국 무기의 최대수입국으로 사우디아라비아와 호주 다음으로 상위 3위로 자리매김하였다. 2015년부터는 방위력개선비 부문에서 일본을 능가하였다. 이런 배경에서 한국이 북한이라는 비대칭 위협에도 불구하고 여전히 다른 동맹국들보다 자체전력증강에 제한적인 양상은 흥미롭지 않을 수 없다.
본 논문은 국가들의 전력증강(armament)이 외부위협과 환경이라는 독립변수가 어떻게 정책결정자들의 위협인식(threat perception)과 국내환경(domestic context)이라는 개입변수에 따라 변용된다고 주창한 신고전적 현실주의(neoclassical realism)를 적용하여 한국의 미사일방어망과 정보감시정찰체계 획득에 대한 포괄적인 국가교차(cross-national) 및 시계열(cross-temporal)의 비교연구를 하였다.
논문의 전반부분인 제3장에서는 한국을 미국의 주요 동맹국인 일본, 대만, 영국, 독일의 사례와 비교하여 한국의 케이스를 보다 객관화, 일반화하여 설명하고자 하였고, 후반부분인 제4장에서는 한국의 첫 진보정부였던 김대중 정부(1998-2003)부터 박근혜 보수정권(2013-2017)까지의 정권별 비교를 하여 한국이 소위 북한과 동맹에 대한 시각이 대립적인 진보-보수의 정권교체에도 불구하고 미사일방어망과 정보감시정찰체계라는 첨단자산 분야에는 동맹안주적인 자체전력증강이라는 지속성이 나타났다고 보여준다. 본 논문을 이와 같은 현상을 한국의 안일한 (complacent), 동맹안주적인(alliance-complacent) 전력증강이라고 명명한다.
dc.description.abstractDespite North Koreas increasing asymmetric nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities, what explains South Koreas restraint in armaments in the ballistic missile defense (BMD) and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities? Unlike how the ability to detect, prevent, preempt, or at least hit-to-kill incoming threats in advance have made both BMD and ISR highly interrelated and critical armaments in other US allies response to asymmetric threats, South Korea has retained heavy reliance on the USs security provisions and stationing of advanced weapons system.
While existing literatures lended little room for comprehensive comparative analysis, portraying South Korea's alliance-reliant defense system more or less rational, structural, and/or path-dependent continuity from the US's military presence and the ROK-US combined defense system – the distinctive attributes of the ROK-US alliance – this study finds that South Korea retains intriguing resilience in restraining autonomous defense capabilities in the BMD and ISR capabilities.
Bringing neoclassical realism as major theoretical underpinnings, this study argues that South Koreas relative restraint in autonomous armaments in the BMD and ISR capabilities arises from policy leaders accumulated state-strategies in reinforcing the alliance-reliance in the state-of-the-art weapons system. As North Koreas emergence as de facto nuclear power aggravated South Koreas reliance on asymmetric division of force structure with the US (alliance structure), the vacillating threat perception on North Korea and armament priorities in lower-cost offensive strike capabilities in both progressive and conservative regimes reinforced South Koreas confinement to alliance-reliant armaments in the BMD and ISR.
Stripped to the essence, neoclassical realism is what Ira Katznelson, Barry R. Weingast (2005), and Park Cheol Hee (1998) would call a situated rationalist approach to states armaments, in which variation in states arming becomes more conditional to how external threats become filtered through policy leaders perception and their domestic contexts (Rose 1998; Schweller 2004; 2006; Taliaferro 2006). While systemic imperatives remain primary forces in driving states arms build-up, states armaments can be inflated and/or abated, situational to policy leaders perceived realities in neoclassical realism than in unilateral pursuit for power-maximization.
Chapter III, in application of the theory, focuses on attenuating previous literatures deterministic or exceptionalist inclination in constructing understanding on South Koreas armaments. Putting forth a cross-national framework to contextualize South Korean case among other US allies, including Japan, Taiwan, UK, and Germany, this study argues that while the structural forces arising from the level of asymmetric threats and alliance structure with the US are primary in shaping overall trajectories of the US allies armaments in the BMD and ISR, variations under similar exogenous influences arise from how the policy leaders perceive and respond to the given asymmetric threats (policy leaders threat perception) within their geopolitical context, and to the extent that they seek and mobilize resources for self-reliant or alliance-reliant armaments.
In the latter half of the dissertation, Chapter IV, this study further elaborates on South Koreas accumulated restraint or ambivalence from cross-regime comparisons on South Koreas armaments in the BMD and ISR capabilities. This study disconfirms the conventional view that the so-called progressive-conservative split among policy leaders has been at the heart of South Koreas limited armaments, particularly when it comes to the state-of-the-art BMD and ISR weapons system. While progressive regimes have been deemed more reconciliatory to North Korea and seek more autonomous policy towards armament and alliance-reliance, when conservatives were seen as more hardlined to North Korea, favorable to pro-alliance armaments as means for security, ideological divide mattered less when it came to the BMD and ISR capabilities. Although policy and ideological divergence have appeared to cause variations in the outset of each administration from President Kim Dae-jung to Park Geun-hye (1998-2017), both progressive and conservative regimes have recurred to alliance-reliance in the BMD and ISR under the existing division of labor under the ROK-US combined defense system.
Although progressive regimes under Kim Dae-jung (1998-2003) and Roh Moo-hyun (2003-2008) administrations have taken more reconciliatory approach to North Koreas asymmetric threats and emphasis on self-reliance in armaments, the progressive regimes have been situationally induced, however reluctant, to resume to alliance-reliant armaments in the BMD and ISR capabilities. When power transferred back to conservative regimes under Lee Myung-bak (2008-2013) and Park Geun-hye (2013-2017) administrations, North Koreas rapid increases in asymmetric threats have restored pro-alliance or alliance-reliant proclivity in armaments, reinforcing South Koreas restrained armament in autonomous BMD and ISR capabilities. Punctuated with economic crisis, ebb and flow in North Koreas asymmetric provocations, caught in between the increasingly contentious US-China rivalry in the region, continuity than change can be found in arming in the lower-cost, possibly homegrown, offensive missiles and conventional strike capabilities. Neither progressive and conservative governments have pursued armaments beyond the structural influences from asymmetric capability gap with North Korea and resilient asymmetric division of force structure with the US.
This study concludes in Chapter V with discussions on the progressive Moon Jae-in administration and implications of the study.
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. INTRODUCTION 1
1. Puzzle: South Koreas Restraint in Armaments 1
2. Existing Explanations and their Limits 13
3. Main Argument 41
4. Composition of Research 47
1. Bringing Realism Back In Neoclassical Realism: Situated Rationality for Capability Aggregation 49
2. Analytical Framework 57
1) For Cross-national Comparison 57
2) For Cross-regime Comparison 67 
1. The US Allies Arms Acquisition Patterns in the BMD and ISR 75
1) Arming against Imminent Asymmetric Threats 75
(1) Active Arms Acquisition for Capability Aggregation: Japan 77
(2) Restrained Arms Acquisition for Symbolical Capability Aggregation: Taiwan 100
2) Arming under Latent Asymmetric Threats 116
(1) Proactive Arms Acquisition for Alliance and Technological Edge: UK 116
(2) Passive Arms Acquisition: Germany 130
2. South Koreas Restrained Arms Acquisition in the BMD and ISR 137
1) North Koreas Asymmetric Threats & Alliance-reliant Armaments 137
2) Case of Missile Defense: Between the USs BMD and KAMD 140
3) Case of ISR: OPCON Transfer & Armament Priorities 146
3. Summary of Findings 153
1. Restraint under Kim Dae-jung Administration (1998-2003) 159
1) Reconciling with Non-nuclear North Korea 160
2) Reinforcing Alliance-reliant Armaments 171
2. Fleeting Pursuit for Self-reliant Armaments under Roh Moo-hyun Administration (2003-2008) 179
1) Continued Reconciling with North Korea 179
2) Fleeting Pursuit for Self-reliant Armament to Alliance-dependence 182
3. Complacent Restraint under Lee Myung-bak Administration (2008-2013) 192
1) Complacency despite Rivalry against North Korea 192
2) Alliance-reliance for Pragmatism 202
4. North Koreas Emergence as De facto Nuclear Power and Park Geun-hye Administration (2013-2017) 206
1) Towards Alliance-cooperative BMD within the Parameters of the Alliance 209
2) Constraints under Accumulated Complacency in the ISR 216
5. Summary of Findings 220
1. Limits of Arming South Korea Complacently and Moon Jae-in Administrations Perilous Venture 225
2. South Koreas Alternatives to Restrained Armaments 237
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.titleArming South Korea-
dc.title.alternative한국의 동맹안주적 무기획득패턴 연구: 제한적 미사일방어망과 정보감시정찰체계 획득을 중심으로-
dc.contributor.AlternativeAuthorJO, Bee Yun-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 국제학과(국제협력전공)-
dc.title.subtitleRestrained Arms Acquisition in Ballistic Missile Defense and Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Capabilities-
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