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『무정』에 나타난 근대법과 정(情)의 의미: 총독부 통치체제와 이광수의 법의식의 길항을 중심으로 : A Study on the Meaning of Modern Law and the Jung(情) in Lee Kwang-sus Mujung(無情): Focusing on the competition between the government system of the Japanese Government General of Korea and the legal consciousness of Lee Kwang-su
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Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2018-03
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원
- Citation
- 한국문화, Vol.81, pp. 185-219
- Keywords
- 『무정』 ; 이광수 ; 정 ; 情 ; 동정 ; 同情 ; 도덕 ; 근대법 ; 공동체 ; 경찰제도 ; 문명 ; Mujung ; 無情 ; Lee Kwang-su ; 李光秀 ; Jung ; sympathy ; morality ; modern law ; community ; police system ; civilization
- Abstract
- In the early modern period Lee Kwang-su was an intellectual and author who strongly insisted on the civilization of Joseon. As part of that, Lee was interested in modern laws that guaranteed individual human rights and autonomy. But the reality that the law was executed under the rule of the Japanese Government General of Korea was hard to find the value and spirit of the modern law that Lee expected. Rather, the establishment of the rule of law in the Joseon society has paralyzed the moral feelings that sustained in the community. In this context, Lee focused on Jung(情)"s ethics. Lee emphasized that individuals should start from these moral sentiments and voluntarily form inner rules. It was not embraced by the rule of law formed by the state power, but also created the place of moral norms beyond it.
This relationship between law and morality is also evident In Mujung(無情). Lee critically represented the reality of the colonial Joseon, which has been established as a police system symbolizing state power and a governor - general governed by law. Furthermore, Lee sought to look deep into relationship between law and morality. In this respect, Mujung(無情) is meaningful as a novel which seeks the direction of the community legal system established under the governor-general rule, without giving up the voice of enlightenment for the civilization development of the universal humanity.
- 1226-8356
- Language
- Korean
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