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Clonal cell populations unresponsive to radiosensitization induced by telomerase inhibition
Cited 2 time in
Web of Science
Cited 2 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2010-11
- Publisher
- Academic Press
- Citation
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.402 No.2, pp.198-202
- Abstract
- A combination of a radiotherapeutic regimen with telomerase inhibition is valuable when tumor cells are to be sensitized to radiation. Here, we describe cell clones unresponsive to radiosensitization after telomere shortening. After extensive division of individual transformed clones of mTERC(-/-) cells, about 22% of clones were unresponsive to radiosensitization even though telomerase action was inhibited. The telomere lengths of unsensitized mTERC(-/-) clones were reduced, as were those of most sensitized clones. However, the unsensitized clones did not exhibit chromosomal end-to-end fusion to the extent noted in all sensitized clones. Thus, a defense mechanism preventing telomere erosion is operative even when telomeres become shorter under conditions of telomerase deficiency, and results in unresponsiveness to the radiosensitization generally mediated by telomere shortening. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- 0006-291X
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