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Impact of vitamin D-3 supplementation on the in vitro growth of mouse preantral follicles

Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus

Shim, Yoo Jin; Hong, Yeon Hee; Lee, Jaewang; Jee, Byung Chul

Issue Date
Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine, Vol.48 No.4, pp.347-351
Objective: We investigated the impact of vitamin D-3 (VD3) supplementation during mouse preantral follicle culture in vitro and the mRNA expression of 25-hydroxylase (CYP2R1), 1-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP27B1), and vitamin D receptor (VDR) in mouse ovarian follicles at different stages. Methods: Preantral follicles were retrieved from 39 BDF1 mice (7-8 weeks old) and then cultured in vitro for 12 days underVD3 supplementation (0, 25, and 50 pg/mL). Follicular development and the final oocyte acquisition were assessed. Preantral follicles were retrieved from 15 other BDF1 mice (7-8 weeks old) and cultured without VD3 supplementation.Three stages of mouse ovarian follicles were obtained (preantral, antral, and ruptured follicles). Total RNA was extracted from the pooled cells (from 20 follicles at each stage), and then reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction was performed to identify mRNA for CYP2R1, CYP27B1, and VDR. Results: The survival of preantral follicles, rates of antrum formation and ruptured follicles (per initiated follicle) and the number of total or mature oocytes were all comparable among the three groups. Both CYP2R1 and CYP27B1 were expressed in antral and ruptured follicles, but not in preantral follicles. VDR was expressed in all three follicular stages. Conclusion: VD3 supplementation in vitro (25 or 50 pg/mL) did not enhance mouse follicular development orfinal oocyte acquisition. Follicular stage-specific expression of CYP2R1, CYP27B1, and VDR was observed.
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